John Stones transfer saga

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My point is, rejecting nearly £60m would be the stupidest thing ever. My opinion anyway, seems a lot of people don't agree with me. He's worth £40m in my opinion, I rate him extremely highly and he's my favourite player. But £60m! Ffs!

£60 million equals 6 million per season if he plays for ten seasons.
This is going to get pretty boring every transfer window,even if he stays which i think he will,the papers and co will have him sold every transfer window till it might happen

Can't do the link but The Express and Mirror running with "British record transfer" on the way , using £32M as a starting point for a new bid .

They're just getting drip fed stories by the Chelsea Press Office.

Seen it all before with Lukaku - who can forget the Mirror back page the day after we signed him in our record transfer fee paid, with the headline 'ROTTEN LUK' and making out that Lukaku was some sort of unprofessional, unambitious troublemaker, and how dare he want to leave the great Chelsea.

That was all straight from the Chelsea Press Office, lapped up and printed by London-based hacks like Martin Lipton.

That's all we're gonna get over the next 6 weeks - indignance from the London press because we have dared to stand up to Chelsea.
Does anyone seriously think that Chelsea have gone public without first having a quiet word with Stones' agent to see if the whole thing is possible for him?
They're just getting drip fed stories by the Chelsea Press Office.

Seen it all before with Lukaku - who can forget the Mirror back page the day after we signed him in our record transfer fee paid, with the headline 'ROTTEN LUK' and making out that Lukaku was some sort of unprofessional, unambitious troublemaker, and how dare he want to leave the great Chelsea.

That was all straight from the Chelsea Press Office, lapped up and printed by London-based hacks like Martin Lipton.

That's all we're gonna get over the next 6 weeks - indignance from the London press because we have dared to stand up to Chelsea.

Is right mate.

Screw 'em.
Does anyone seriously think that Chelsea have gone public without first having a quiet word with Stones' agent to see if the whole thing is possible for him?

If that was true, perhaps Stones' agent would have had a word with him last night and told not to say he was so happy at Everton and that his aims were based on staying at Everton.

When the Lescott stuff started, Lescott said nothing at all publicly until he was eventually sold.

This is why I don't think there's been any 'sounding out' behind the scenes.
Does anyone seriously think that Chelsea have gone public without first having a quiet word with Stones' agent to see if the whole thing is possible for him?

His Agent will have said what we all know, Stones will stay, if we want him to stay, if they bid enough for us to accept, he will do whatever the club wants.

“If one day Roberto, or the chairman, come and say: ‘He’s not for sale, we don’t acceptany bid’, [then it's] game over. So during this process, it’s clear."

We obviously haven't told them categorically no.

Mourinho playing mind games. He knows they can afford him and he knows Everton would sell him for the right amount.
The Martinez quotes in the London Evening Standard basically tells you that Chelsea have broken an unwritten rule.

I'm sure clubs are always sounding out Everton about buying our players and we probably do it with other clubs ourselves. The unwritten rule is basically, if the club says no, he's not for sale (all behind the scenes, not publicly), you leave it alone and move on. Chelsea appear to have ignored that completely and not only have made the bid, but crucially made it public too, so that Stones became aware of their interest. They're clearly banking/hoping Stones will rock the boat to get a move.

Utd did the same with Baines. Remember Moyes with his infamous 'You're standing in the way of his career' comments when he was Utd boss?

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