Toby Alderweireld

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Considering they haven't played 3 at the back...

Juventus however.. Won their league with the 3-5-2 system.


Watch them again, see who forms the back line when Alba and Alves are in the opposition half.
Football is fluid these days; Busquets is their third defender though you would probably class him as a midfielder.

Step away from formations with numbers and dashes, look at who plays where on the field and what they do.
Barca under Guardiola is a good indicator as to how we will line up this season.
You have to give players time... Imagine if spurs had been impatient

I can't understand for the life of me why anyone listens to anything on Twitter in relation to football transfers. The success rate of accurate prediction is literally zero percent.

I assume the same people visit palm readers regularly too.
I can't understand for the life of me why anyone listens to anything on Twitter in relation to football transfers. The success rate of accurate prediction is literally zero percent.

I assume the same people visit palm readers regularly too.

The medical equivalent of visiting a reiki healer with a broken leg
That guy is nearly as bad as FourFourTom, can't believe people actually fall for it.

My fave one was when people thought Moyes was going Villa, one account was really going for it, got a load of people betting, he layed his bets and made a fair bit off it.
twitter is largely attention seeking ********s, spouting total bollocks about any subject that they think might get them noticed.

Inane doesn't do it justice.

I can't understand for the life of me why anyone listens to anything on Twitter in relation to football transfers. The success rate of accurate prediction is literally zero percent.

I assume the same people visit palm readers regularly too.

Anyone who lets themselves get all wound up by twitter ITKs fully deserves all fume and disappointment they get and more.
really hope this comes off we need ball playing centre halves clearly jags and distin do not fit that bill in any way shape or form.
That guy is nearly as bad as FourFourTom, can't believe people actually fall for it.

My fave one was when people thought Moyes was going Villa, one account was really going for it, got a load of people betting, he layed his bets and made a fair bit off it.

Haha, that's ace!

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