2023/24 Sean Dyche

I sincerely do not believe that the analysts are the issue because every man and his dog can see that we aren't performing well, and where the many issues lie.

The issue is that regardless of how inefficient this system is, we continue to do the same thing over and over. The blame for that lies on the coaching staff...

... because, regardless of analysis, they should be able to recognise that with their own eyes. Dyche continues to spout xG, although we see now change.

I agree that he probably does believe that, yet the flip side of that is he isn't expecting or training for the 'simple things' that are required.

Remove all the permutations... remove all the other team's tactics... if you've played football we all know that you need passing, movement and facing forward.

I'm not sure what we're trying at Finch Farm, but those three things appear to be significantly lacking from our player, over and over again.

He was severely disliked by many of those at Burnley, so it does not surprise me.
Completely agree with all of this as I’ve heard pretty much the same first-hand from an analyst within the club. Basically from day one of Dyche’s regime it’s been this way.

It’s a rarity in itself that the manager actually sits in meetings with the analysts and, largely, everything that is presented is disregarded as he has ‘his’ way of playing, which is clearly evident in what we’ve been seeing. Same shape, same personnel, same way of defending set-pieces despite an alarming amount of goals conceded from such. Next to nothing in the way of tactical coaching has been happening and there’s a firm belief that we are the worst-coached team in the Premier League.

At this level of the game there quite simply has to be more to it than ‘out-working’ the opposition or relying on set-pieces to score goals. The evidence is staring everyone in the face. 8 goals scored in the last three-and-a-half months is beyond diabolical.
No wins in 12 shouldn't need an enquiry to decide if he's doing a good job, the facts are the facts 12 games no wins, if we have any pride left whatsoever we have to get rid. I do not believe for a second another manager couldn't do better.

Proper fed up these last few years of the absolutely atrocious football we have had too witness. I can't go to the game and I am fuming, I feel really sorry for the lads who follow them everywhere, just chucking money down the drain.

Seems like the universe wants us in the championship because we can't seem to have a season of even mediocrity. On top of that the powers that be have used us yet again as a patsy for a rule change but of course our punishments will stand. Just 'koff Dyche.
When he came in he had everybody giving 100% every minute, with absolute commitment and a high press that caught everyone out. Getting limited players to give their all with high intensity play was working and we were grinding out points and should’ve been midtable without the deduction.

So what is it?
A) He’s changed his tactics and is a moron - seems unlikely
B)The players are exhausted after playing too hard early season which they’ve never done before and we have minor injuries and niggles stopping us being 100% effective - I had hoped that but most of the team was just off for three weeks so seems unlikely
C)The players aren’t doing what they’re told anymore - seems unlikely given the level of commitment that was being shown and having characters like Tarkowski, Coleman, Pickford and Young towing the company line and telling players what the demands are.

So here’s what I think it is on reflection:
Teams know how we play effectively now and we have no plan b.
We destroyed Bournemouth with our press earlier in the season because they constantly knocked the ball about at the back but yesterday they played far more direct because they learned their lesson.
Dyche did a good job getting a solid plan a in place which Lampard or Benitez never managed to work out but this is where he has to earn his money - we’ve been sussed out! The top clubs survive our press by having the firepower to outscore us if they do make mistakes (or we miss all our chances like against Man U) and the mid/lower table teams change their tactics and we have no clue

Watch us play well against Newcastle and Burnley because they never change their tactics but this can’t go on. We need a plan b or to

Dyche needs to go.
That  Is The Plan B.

Won't happen though

What annoys me with this fella is after a victory (a rarity I know) he is full of himself. We beat Bournemouth 3-0 at home and the way he was gloating you would think we had won the league. After poor results he doesn’t take the responsibility and tries to brush off any focus on himself.

Remember after the last seasons final game he was going on about standards and how they need to act like a big club? Well, where is it? I don’t see it at all.

It makes you wonder what kind of thinking goes on at the club because it’s clear it’s not matching the reality .

Acting like a big club wouldn't have him as manager. He's a poundshop Allardyce.
How long before we see 'Dyche Out' banners?

He's lost all the credit he had in the bank. You can espouse all the xG we haven't scored, the fact with the extra four points we would only need 2 wins and a couple of draw, no one can survive not winning in 14 games. If we lose to Burnley he is toast.

I honestly hope we get something against Newcastle and beat Burnley as I cannot go through Everton trying pick the right person now. It will be rushed and we'll end up in the same position next year. However we saw the same thing with Frank and the fsw that once we are in a tailspin, the weak frauds of players we have won't get out of it. So I fully expect us to be looking for a new bloke in a week's time.

He's lost all the credit he had in the bank. You can espouse all the xG we haven't scored, the fact with the extra four points we would only need 2 wins and a couple of draw, no one can survive not winning in 14 games. If we lose to Burnley he is toast.

I honestly hope we get something against Newcastle and beat Burnley as I cannot go through Everton trying pick the right person now. It will be rushed and we'll end up in the same position next year. However we saw the same thing with Frank and the fsw that once we are in a tailspin, the weak frauds of players we have won't get out of it. So I fully expect us to be looking for a new bloke in a week's time.
I honestly think that we need to put Seamus in as caretaker. Trying to find a manager now would be suicidal but no one gets us more than Seamus.
It can't get any worse than what's happening currently. It's our best chance of avoiding relegation.
He used to have a pop at anyone who didn't back Benitez Goat, saying we should all get behind a manager of Everton no matter who they were, then he slated anyone who backed Lampard.
He had a hard on for Benitez way before we appointed him. Strange behaviour.




Don't think he'll ever accept another Everton manager tbh. At this point I start to wonder if he's married to one of Benitez' daughters.

Regardless, Dyche is stinking the gaff out. Quite how we've gone from Ancelotti to this is mind boggling.
