6 + 2 Point Deductions

So we are being judged on 4 seasons
19/20, 20/21, 21/22 and 22/23 BUT we have ALREADY had sanctions from:
19/20, 20/21 and 21/22.

So how can they get away with that? How does that make any club sustainable if you have to write off your assets every season to keep in check?

The statement from the club makes it seem like they expected it purely based on how the PL treated the last breach, in other words they poo-pooed the mitigations which we're already appealing against, so the books that they submitted were always going to make it look like we've breached again.
Not set to be found guilty, set to be referred.

Let’s see the detail.

I suppose there is some hope as Paul says. It's just a question of getting things adjusted. Like tax rebates that kind of thing.

The problem I have is it's still sailing close to the wind our name is still being dragged through the mud.

And I wouldn't trust the people who we are being referred to. Trust them less than those doing our accounts

Our club:

"Everton can assure its fans that it will continue to defend its position during the ongoing appeal and, should it be required to do so, at any future commission - and that the impact on supporters will be reflected as part of that process."

Fans to the Club: Oh Go Do One!
