2023/24 Sean Dyche

Ultimately the posters who don’t like Dyche for whatever reason will get their wish as all football managers get the sack eventually. This is the time they should be taking their medicine, reflecting on their ball-achingly lazy preconceptions about how the man actually wants the team to play, stop having toddler meltdowns because we “lost” the possession stats and have a bit of humility about them.
Sean Dyche wins football matches in spite of and not for you people that don’t have the bravery to admit your views are about as convincing and credible as OJ Simpson trying on a leather glove.
Back in your box rooms, ya nappy wearing buffoons. Sean Dyche farts in your general direction.
Ultimately the posters who don’t like Dyche for whatever reason will get their wish as all football managers get the sack eventually. This is the time they should be taking their medicine, reflecting on their ball-achingly lazy preconceptions about how the man actually wants the team to play, stop having toddler meltdowns because we “lost” the possession stats and have a bit of humility about them.
Sean Dyche wins football matches in spite of and not for you people that don’t have the bravery to admit your views are about as convincing and credible as OJ Simpson trying on a leather glove.
Back in your box rooms, ya nappy wearing buffoons. Sean Dyche farts in your general direction.
Excellently put Kind Sir.
Ultimately the posters who don’t like Dyche for whatever reason will get their wish as all football managers get the sack eventually. This is the time they should be taking their medicine, reflecting on their ball-achingly lazy preconceptions about how the man actually wants the team to play, stop having toddler meltdowns because we “lost” the possession stats and have a bit of humility about them.
Sean Dyche wins football matches in spite of and not for you people that don’t have the bravery to admit your views are about as convincing and credible as OJ Simpson trying on a leather glove.
Back in your box rooms, ya nappy wearing buffoons. Sean Dyche farts in your general direction.

We all know their names. Some have back tracked, some have gone quiet and even some have fled the forum and not returned.

Who amongst us wasn't a childhood margeret thatcher fan, of course the years go by and you discover gelato and lose your gratitude to the creator of mr whippies....
Poor attempts at bait aside, he is really impressing me and after years of bloated nebulous crap we appear to have more than a semblance of a game plan most weeks.

Watching us these last few weeks has been enjoyable in way it hasnt been for many a year and I thank him for that.

Slapping the geordies makes it even sweeter.
