Edson Buddle

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I'm not here to cheer on Edson Buddle who probably isn't any better than the strikers you have at Everton.

However, I wouldn't dismiss his goal scoring in MLS as a "bad defending" thing. Brian McBride scored more goals in the EPL than he ever did in MLS. Same for Clint Dempsey. 1v1 defending in MLS is obviously not be up to Premiership standards, but chances are scarce. Games are played in the midfield where possession is often given up cheaply. Strikers that operate in the box are usually starved of service. And goalkeeping in the league is good too. 20 goals in MLS wins you the golden boot -- its a low scoring league. If you knock in 20 goals in MLS, you have been efficient with your chances.

I'm not jumping on the MLS-hater-wagon. I rather like the league and accept it for what it is: growing & improving.

But seriously, ya need to rethink your examples:

Columbus 62 + Chicago 18 = 80
Fulham 41 + Everton 4 = 45

He came into MLS as a DM, was 20-23 years old and in his first professional years.
No comparison (if we're talking goals) to a 26-28 year old, 5+ years as a pro, in his prime, playing striker/attacking mid/winger.
i dont think anybody has noticed it yet tho- maybe louis will get another 4 seasons to find his form

It's painful. More so than the out of form, but the absolute disinterest/lack of workrate. Now I don't think it's because he's a bad person/uninterested in the club/etc. I think it's a guy whose confidence is at an all-time low, he's out of form (and may permanently be so), and just isn't feeling it.

As a result, I will take a dude that's a hardworker up top right now, cause that's an upgrade versus what we got if we're not going to play Vellios (and Vellios is rumored to not be the best worker in training right now according to folks here) and Vic injures himself the next time he plays.

Saha can be an impact sub and we can see if he can score a frigging goal.

I'm very curious as to when we're going to hear yay or nay. The week could become two for all we know.

From Galaxy Koa over on Big Soccer - great stats:

Among consistent players in the 2.Bunesliga (over 500 minutes), Edson has the 6th highest non PK goal scoring rate in the league:

Last Name Club Pos TGF Min G GP90 TG%
Ebbers St. Pauli 4 38 658 6 0.82 15.8%
Poté D. Dresden 11 33 968 8 0.74 24.2%
Hoffer E. Frankfurt 3 41 640 5 0.70 12.2%
Nöthe Greuther Fürth 2 41 1289 10 0.70 24.4%
Idrissou E. Frankfurt 3 41 957 7 0.66 17.1%
Buddle FC Ingolstadt 15 21 821 6 0.66 28.6%

Data taken from Transferkmarkt.de
Pos= Club Position
TGF= Team Goals For
Min= Minutes
G= Non PK Goals
GP90= Non PK Goals/90
TG%= Team Goals Percentage (what percent of the team's goals were scored by said player)

Among those players, his team is the worst and has scored the least amount of goals by a long way.
From Galaxy Koa over on Big Soccer - great stats:

Among consistent players in the 2.Bunesliga (over 500 minutes), Edson has the 6th highest non PK goal scoring rate in the league:

Last Name Club Pos TGF Min G GP90 TG%
Ebbers St. Pauli 4 38 658 6 0.82 15.8%
Poté D. Dresden 11 33 968 8 0.74 24.2%
Hoffer E. Frankfurt 3 41 640 5 0.70 12.2%
Nöthe Greuther Fürth 2 41 1289 10 0.70 24.4%
Idrissou E. Frankfurt 3 41 957 7 0.66 17.1%
Buddle FC Ingolstadt 15 21 821 6 0.66 28.6%

Data taken from Transferkmarkt.de
Pos= Club Position
TGF= Team Goals For
Min= Minutes
G= Non PK Goals
GP90= Non PK Goals/90
TG%= Team Goals Percentage (what percent of the team's goals were scored by said player)

Among those players, his team is the worst and has scored the least amount of goals by a long way.

Ebbers in ffs!
We go from we arnt signing anyone to lets not give them a chance. good goal scoring record, be good to see one off those in depth stat records for him (i.e goals per shots etc) but 72 stats for a 30 year old on fifa dont impress me lol. saying that vellios is 69 and sick!

as soon as i type 2 posts before whatever i say happens!
messi's coming to everton to link up with straccy!
30 plays for a seconed div German side has never played at the top level in his career, in short


There is a lot of ignorance being spewed here.

First off, Buddle wasn't signed by Birmingham last year because he couldn't get a work permit. That still could have been the problem with West Ham. Acquiring a work permit has been difficult for him because you need to be a regular international for a while, which he wasn't since the U.S.' previous manager insisted on a speed forward to stretch the defense and counter-attack, so he used Robbie Findley more regularly instead. As a result Finley was eligible for a work permit, and Nottingham Forest signed him. If you just compare the two players on ability, it's not even close, Buddle is the vastly superior player. He's far better scoring with his head, feet, and is the better passer because of his superior football I.Q. As a result it was always a source of frustration to most U.S. fans that Findley started over Buddle. But because he did, Findley got the better club opportunity. You can't put all stock in club affiliation as a result, unless you think U.S. managers are world class. If so, the next time you have a managerial opening I expect the name Bob Bradley to be bandied about.

Secondly, the reason why Buddle ended up a club like Ingolstadt, was at the time they were buried in the Bundesliga II, they desperately wanted to survive, so they spent a decent amount of money at midseason on that objective, and Buddle took advantage so he could gain financial security after years toiling in MLS on modest wages. The move worked for Ingolstadt as they were much better on the field w/ him allowing them to avoid relegation, and it worked for Buddle from a short-term financial standpoint. However, it hasn't worked from a career standpoint because he has feuded with the coach this season, he's not playing for much of importance, and his goal record doesn't exactly make him appear to be a player who could compete in the EPL. But what do you expect him to do when his team has significant possession disadvantages and provides the service of a bottom level BL II bottom-feeder, score 20 goals? He had the highest scoring rate on the team, without taking PK's. He's done better than anyone else in a situation that doesn't fit his skills. At Everton he'd get MUCH better service, especially whilst teaming back up with Donovan who as you've seen is among the better crossers in the league, and Buddle has the heading ability Cahill used to possess to take advantage.

You should hope that Everton lawyers can obtain a work permit for Buddle because Moyes knows more than the posters here. This is a very shrewd move he's attempting to make on a tight budget to improve your woeful striking. Moyes is a smart guy. He's stated before that work permits have drastically limited opportunities for American footballers in England and he would have signed many more over the years if it weren't for that barrier. He's not a follower.
There is a lot of ignorance being spewed here.

First off, Buddle wasn't signed by Birmingham last year because he couldn't get a work permit. That still could have been the problem with West Ham. Acquiring a work permit has been difficult for him because you need to be a regular international for a while, which he wasn't since the U.S.' previous manager insisted on a speed forward to stretch the defense and counter-attack, so he used Robbie Findley more regularly instead. As a result Finley was eligible for a work permit, and Nottingham Forest signed him. If you just compare the two players on ability, it's not even close, Buddle is the vastly superior player. He's far better scoring with his head, feet, and is the better passer because of his superior football I.Q. As a result it was always a source of frustration to most U.S. fans that Findley started over Buddle. But because he did, Findley got the better club opportunity. You can't put all stock in club affiliation as a result, unless you think U.S. managers are world class. If so, the next time you have a managerial opening I expect the name Bob Bradley to be bandied about.

Secondly, the reason why Buddle ended up a club like Ingolstadt, was at the time they were buried in the Bundesliga II, they desperately wanted to survive, so they spent a decent amount of money at midseason on that objective, and Buddle took advantage so he could gain financial security after years toiling in MLS on modest wages. The move worked for Ingolstadt as they were much better on the field w/ him allowing them to avoid relegation, and it worked for Buddle from a short-term financial standpoint. However, it hasn't worked from a career standpoint because he has feuded with the coach this season, he's not playing for much of importance, and his goal record doesn't exactly make him appear to be a player who could compete in the EPL. But what do you expect him to do when his team has significant possession disadvantages and provides the service of a bottom level BL II bottom-feeder, score 20 goals? He had the highest scoring rate on the team, without taking PK's. He's done better than anyone else in a situation that doesn't fit his skills. At Everton he'd get MUCH better service, especially whilst teaming back up with Donovan who as you've seen is among the better crossers in the league, and Buddle has the heading ability Cahill used to possess to take advantage.

You should hope that Everton lawyers can obtain a work permit for Buddle because Moyes knows more than the posters here. This is a very shrewd move he's attempting to make on a tight budget to improve your woeful striking. Moyes is a smart guy. He's stated before that work permits have drastically limited opportunities for American footballers in England and he would have signed many more over the years if it weren't for that barrier. He's not a follower.
This post made me happy.
me too. But only a little bit. Can't be doing too much of the happy thing. We are everton ffs!!!
Oh of course not. Whenever Everton make me happy they follow it up by making me twice as sad. FFS EVERTON WHY DO YOU DO IT TO ME?!

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