Fake News By Everton FC.

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It's all ifs and buts.

One thing is for certain though: if we dont get some unity and changes to the manager and playing staff we'll be relegated.
There is no unity while the current ownership and board remain, or at least until they make changes.

We all know this is the case. How can we unite behind them when they do no respect us, but more importantly have provided no signings to help whoever the manager may be. Thats the biggest point by far.

I do not believe there is any way for us to avoid relegation this year. There is no simple solution, there is no easy answer. Its all very sad.
If this is 100% proved to be a lie then our wishes are granted and this board have no way back. Surely an initiative for someone more clued up than me to take the case on. Even losing BMD now is a small price to pay for staying in the prem and us becoming toxic free Everton again.

Utterly unbelievable times, I’m genuinely shocked at our board now. “Headlock gate” is bad enough but the lad of the X factor from a few years ago screaming at Jerry Mina just finished me off. I can’t watch it anymore..
Clearly Kenwright, DBB and Ingles are in panic mode because they know the game is up. The fact that they have stooped this low by inventing a scandal to garner some sort of sympathy, to then be used as a weapon against Evertonians just sickens me. This lot are lower than a snakes belly. It's pure betrayal.
There is no unity while the current ownership and board remain, or at least until they make changes.

We all know this is the case. How can we unite behind them when they do no respect us, but more importantly have provided no signings to help whoever the manager may be. Thats the biggest point by far.

I do not believe there is any way for us to avoid relegation this year. There is no simple solution, there is no easy answer. Its all very sad.
The only thing that matters is agitating for a new manager and players. The only achievable thing.
And you not being prepared to Bale the boat out isn't.

It's a straight old style Them and Us, Workers Vs Management thing

No Socialist you McFly, or are you Chi
Never in a million years is this all about that.

It's about being tactical versus being dumb.

If all true why hasn't she left the club, won't on massive wages all my arse the lot of it

Waiting for the payout.

It's all ifs and buts.

One thing is for certain though: if we dont get some unity and changes to the manager and playing staff we'll be relegated.
Unity between who, exactly?
The board?
Strikes me as a Scorpion and Frog situation. We tried to unite last season, or at least overlook them. Yesterday was the outcome. To be attacked in that manner is unforgivable. If you can get past that, even temporarily, then you're a better man than me Gunga Din.

I just think that their presence is now the biggest obstacle to any form of forward movement.
Unity between who, exactly?
The board?
Strikes me as a Scorpion and Frog situation. We tried to unite last season, or at least overlook them. Yesterday was the outcome. To be attacked in that manner is unforgivable. If you can get past that, even temporarily, then you're a better man than me Gunga Din.

I just think that their presence is now the biggest obstacle to any form of forward movement.
Unite until such a point safety is reached...,if we ever attain it...which we wont if we dont unify soon.
Unite until such a point safety is reached...,if we ever attain it...which we wont if we dont unify soon.
This is exactly what the board wants you to do...unite and continue to spend your well earned hard cash on them. They will call for unity and hope that they keep selling tickets and merchandise. Then once we relegated, there will be a second call for unity to try convince us that unity is needed to mount a championship challenge.

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