Random Gash Everton Players of our time

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I actually made that Vid...

I still bottle one now when I see that.

I watched it at home, I couldnt bare going to the pub. As that flew in I kicked a plate that smashed to pieces on the TV- it was like slow motion as it flew through the air- almost a metaphor for what was happening on the screen.

Get. The. [Poor language removed]. In.
Heres a few. Didnt realise how much money has been wasted at this club signing has beens and [Poor language removed] but these ones stood out for me

Vinny samways -- JESUS HOW [Poor language removed] WAS HE
Nick Barmby --- Did [Poor language removed] all didnt he cost like 5 mil??
David Ginola---- Point ???
Anderson da Silva----- Overhyped waste of effort to sign
VDM--- moyes will never play him again
Gazza-- Slow, FAT, Well past his sale by date

Mick Ferguson, a striker that we signed from Coventry City, jesus he was [Poor language removed],and looked like one of the Dingles off Emmerdale.

i'd have to disagree with regard to tony grant, who was a very talented player, if perhaps a little lightweight for english football, & nick barmby who regained sufficient form to work his way back into the england squad, the 2-faced rat!

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