Tim Howard

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No goalkeeper in the league, bar maybe Courtois, would have attempted to catch that ball under pressure. Besides that Robles punches the ball more than Howard it's one of the reasons most people were concerned about him coming into the team because his punching is so erratic.

Martinez was always going to reinstate Howard when he was fit, he's clearly his number 1 goalkeeper who has his faith because he's a better goalkeeper than Robles. If this decision has altered your opinion of Martinez I'd imagine you had been wavering before it was made because it was the clear and obvious decision that every other manager would have done.

R M has faith in a number of areas / personnel. Is it compulsory to admire this faith?

What about the one Jags cleared of the line after Robles dropped it? Or the corner were he misses it and Stones cleared off the line.

Had you forgotten about them or were you just trying to pretend they didn't happen to attempt at making a point?
I've said this several times. He didn't drop the ball, gayle beat him to it, poked it past him and Jagielka cleared it off the line. I don't get why that is a mistake.

Your hero's proved you wrong time and time again this season. You're on the ropes so you're making things up.
Lads just admit they are both gash.

Robles was actually getting slight less gash though and didn't deserve to be dropped.

I will be fuming if either are our first choice next season

Hard to believe that people can actually defend his punch at Stamford Bridge especially when it resulted directly in a goal.

If a goalkeeper cannot punch the ball away from the opposition then he should not punch it. Had he not punched it, it is hard to believe that it would have ended up as such a great, unhindered shooting opportunity for Chelsea.

Anyway there are much better examples of Taleban Tim's pure incompetence this season.

It is no exageration to say that he has cost EFC 12 points as a direct consequence of his errors.
It's quiet common for managers to have favourites they all do it to a certain extent, human nature I suppose.
Even if it gets us relegated ? Dougie you are out of tune on here Concerning TH and Robles - you cannot understand the basics of Robles kept three clean sheets and gained us 5 points TH has conceded 7 goals in 4 prem games with NIL points.
RM may die by this decision as a Manager of EFC - imo TH needs replacing with Robles NOW even if R M has diminished his confidence by unfairly dropping him in the first place!

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