Ross Barkley

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Why is everyone assuming Besic injured him? Does anyone even know how it happened? ?

Whoever was involved obviously won't of done it on purpose!

Fingers crossed it wont be as long as 5 months.... PMA
Why is everyone assuming Besic injured him? Does anyone even know how it happened? ?

Whoever was involved obviously won't of done it on purpose!

Fingers crossed it wont be as long as 5 months.... PMA

I do, it wasnt Besic.

Martinez said as much in the post match interview.

"It was a shame to lose Barkley so close to kick off, but Leon is totally blameless and no blame should be attached"
I try not to be a pessimist, but I am a realist and the concern for me is that Martinez confirmed it was a medial knee ligament tear.

I sustained that injury playing a match when I dislocated my patella. There are different grades of MCL tears, 1 to 3 with 3 a complete rupture which is what I had. From what we have heard already about the amount of swelling it is at least a grade 2, which is 3-4 weeks minimum rest before beginning rehab. I was immobilised in a knee brace for over 6 weeks and, although it is 'unlocked' a bit at a time to allow you to gently begin to manoeuvre it, when it was taken off I could barely bend my knee at all - some others on here will probably have experienced this, for a while you wonder if you will ever be able to fully bend it again! They don't usually choose to operate on an MCL like an ACL, which is a benefit, as less chance of any other problems like infections getting in a wound.

Considering I am in my mid-30's and only reasonably fit compared to an athlete like Ross and had to go to work rather than being able to spend all day doing physio, let's hope these kind of recovery times are reduced.

Here's hoping it is only a grade 2 and it is closer to the 7 weeks for the lad. It is sad for us, but must be devastating for him at such a key moment of his career, coming off the back of the World Cup.
I think Martinez's tone and demeanour on this tells you everything. This is going to be a sickener.

I know none of us know anything more than the snippets we're reading online but I hadn't seen the quote from Martinez in full, He says:

"We know it's a partial tear but that could be anything between seven weeks and I've seen injuries like that that take four or five months.

He's not coming out and saying it'll be 5 months (although of course until the midweek scan I guess he's as much in the dark as the rest of us) but he still seems to me quite optimistic. I'm sending positive vibes Ross's way! ;)
I know none of us know anything more than the snippets we're reading online but I hadn't seen the quote from Martinez in full, He says:

"We know it's a partial tear but that could be anything between seven weeks and I've seen injuries like that that take four or five months.

He's not coming out and saying it'll be 5 months (although of course until the midweek scan I guess he's as much in the dark as the rest of us) but he still seems to me quite optimistic. I'm sending positive vibes Ross's way! ;)

He'll be back Christmas I bet.

2-3 month recovery, 1 month fitness.
Martinez said we need to be a little bit cautious with the diagnosis at the moment because the swelling has made it impossible to determine the extent of the injury. Barkley could be out for up to 5 months, but that's the worst case scenario. Lets hope it's not that serious a tear so we're talking weeks not months fingers crossed.

was the injury in a training game.. someone wants thrashing for it and what was the staff thinking contact game before a match...only everton

You can't train properly without allowing full contact football. Whatever Osman did he didn't injure Barkley on purpose and this shouldn't be viewed as anything other than a bit of bad luck.
Barkley is probably going to have to spend the night in an icebath so he can get the swelling down. Poor sod was so keen for the start of the season as well, came back early and flew all the way to Thailand just for training sessions.

At least the same professionalism that made him do that will mean he'll follow his rehab schedule well.
Christ sake lads, Byron Green snapped his leg in half doing a lay up in a friendly match with nobody around him the other day.

It happens, why is someone always to blame? We're not Liverpool and it wasn't Chelsea.
Barkley is young and a fast healer as far as i remember, and he's a determined professional. Those attributes are going to help him recover faster from this injury.

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