Liverpool locals only - Why and how did you become a blue?

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Im not from Liverpool, bit racist to just ask the scousers like, you know, us wools have a voice as well you know!!

I probably live nearer to a lot of fans from Liverpool, its only 4.5miles away from our house lad.

Just saying like.

And of course, I was chosen.


You count. I use the term "Liverpool" to include the surrounding areas. We don't make those kinds of distinctions over here mate. If you're from the area, you're in.
dad was a blue thank god, i was the 1 of 3 kids who was the most interested in sports when we were all young so i was the 1 taken to all the games(dad could only afford to take 1 of us) mum and other two lads are reds
My mums side of the family are all from birkenhead and liverpool but ours is a family with a twist - we're split evenly between Everton and Tranmere with the other being our second team. There's one solitary red but he's a good red bless him. I was destined to be a blue - I was chosen
You count. I use the term "Liverpool" to include the surrounding areas. We don't make those kinds of distinctions over here mate. If you're from the area, you're in.

Thanks lad, means a lot that, sniff. Now can you tell these wool hating scousers the same thing?

My main reason is blue, ive just always liked blue, all I can ever recall is loving blue and hating red.

My kopite Auntie used to take me games when I was young un, she would always give me the choice, I never once chose Analfield, fair play to her.

I want to try and limit this to those that are from Liverpool (either currently or originally) about how and why you became an Evertonian instead of a Red. As someone who always grew up in one team towns here in the States, it's always fascinated me how you choose between two "home" teams. The Everton/LFC split is particularly interesting since there seems to be a lot of "mixed" families, which one wouldn't suspect. I would think that you either come from a "Blue" or "Red" family, but apparently that's not always the case.

So sound off...I'm really interested in your responses and stories.

Fambo .

ALL Blue . ALL Season Ticket Holders . I went from 4 and a half .

Still going today .

NO choice in the matter . Nor did me boy . Nor did me Nephews .
soon as i opened my eyes to the world my dad had a blue top stright on me and the rest is history mate i done the same when my son was born he is now 10
I’m not from Liverpool but from Crewe (about 50 miles away) but was raised as a blue by me old man. He was from Liverpool (Garston) and was 1 of 8 kids, all the rest of his family are reds. I asked him once why he was a blue, he said it just felt right.

I wasnt born into any football team. My dad was an Everton fan but not really into football and didnt watch it much since he was a teenager so I never really got into football till I was around 10/11. Before that I had had both a Man Utd and Liverpool top. After Man Utd got the treble I was bought there shirt and my Granddad not to pleased with this bought me a Liverpool top. I didnt really wear either of them. Eventually I got into football after my mate convinced me about Everton so Ive been an Everton fan ever since. I hate Liverpool and Man Utd with a passion now :dodgy:
its mainly a family thing but loads of exceptions to the rule, on my dads side (11 kids) one became a red - i think as a windup coz he was funny as f*** and wasnt arsed with footy. with my kids tho - one of them asked to go to goodison when she was about 6or7 - i didnt want them to follow footy tbh, i asked my other girl who she`d support (she knows her own mind and no way would be steam-rollered - i didnt even try) she chose EFC of her own free will ahhh! one in the eye for my evil step daughter who tried to turn her head
Because my dad was. And there was dark talk of children's homes if I didn't follow suit.

Spookily familiar that is....

My dad was born in Everton, but moved thru different parts of the city, eventually settlin in Kirkby.

Yesterday I accidently cut myself. Blue stuff came out.
Im a familly rebel I think, Dad and 3 bro's are all red's, and im the only Blue..
My uncle is a red, Grandparents etc...
The tried to bring me up as a red with liverpool duvet covers etc but I wasn't having any of it..
Seems odd that Im the youngest but I've been to Goodison god knows how many times, but none of my brothers have yet they claim to be 'true reds'
Family. My dad's side are blue, mum's side are red. Mum's side aren't too into it (apart from my uncle, he's a good red, goes the match and talks sense) whereas my dad's family are ALL fierce blues. Everyone's either got a season ticket, or used to have one and had to give it up for various reasons. My dad went EVERYWHERE following Everton when he was my age, and he was a steward at Goodison in the 90s. He took my brother the game from a young age, but never really bothered with me (probably because I'm a girl, SEXISM!) I remember being bored round the house one weekend, my brother was watching the 1995 FA Cup semi-final, so I decided to watch it with him... that was me hooked.

My dad went down to Wembley for the final, and he got my brother a ticket to the Charity Shield. I innocently asked him where mine was, and all the colour drained from his face as he tried to scrape together an excuse, he didn't realise I'd want to go! He took me to my first game that season, and I've had a season ticket ever since.

Both my mum and dad are from south Liverpool, Park Road ways, but I grew up in Anfield. Derbies were traumatic when I was a kid... I loved being able to walk the match, though! Always get a cab down now so I can get a drink in beforehand :lol:

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