Liverpool locals only - Why and how did you become a blue?

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Grandad was from the darkside. But thankfully my Dad {still with us) is a Blue.
Remember watching the 1966 cup final on t.v. and seeing a big line of Evertonians
marching up Wembley Way behind a fella with a guitar. Turns out, my Dad and his
mates had met the guitarist in a pub and persuaded him to join them.
So there was the guitarist all Pied Piper like, with my Dad and his mates and hundreds of blues
singing "We Shall Not Be Moved" as the camera zooms in on them.
Made me proud.
Chosen you see.
Loads of family ST holders.
Had no intrest in football till I went to seniors at 12 tbh (No father figure or brothers perhaps), Went to a night match with some lads from school and that was that

Mums a red and used to go alot during the 70s and 80s with my nan (Remember them both going to the 89 final and have pics of them at a european cup final) but for some reason they never forced it onto me, Prob knew I wasent intrested at the time

Family of blues, father, grandfather, uncles, cousins etc etc all Blues, always have been. Plus when I was a little lad the RS were in the 2nd Division and were the poor relations. Makes me a Glory Hunter really.........
Just another spin on this, you know for a fact if an American Kopite walked into a bar in New York and sat next to an American Evertonian watching the derby, the red would want to chat and say something like "Go Team Red" whereas the Blue would no doubt say something like 'Koff Gobsh1te'

Just another spin on this, you know for a fact if an American Kopite walked into a bar in New York and sat next to an American Evertonian watching the derby, the red would want to chat and say something like "Go Team Red" whereas the Blue would no doubt say something like 'Koff Gobsh1te'

He'd get off easy if that was me he was sitting next too. I'd challenge his manhood... Scouse.
My granddad used to work at both Goodison and Anfield. He wasn't local born but was an adopted Evertonian and only did Anfield for the money. He used to take my mum to Goodison. My dad is from London and didn't have a proper allegiance, he just liked football in general. His dad is a Spurs fan so he liked them and he kind of liked West Ham as a kid cos of Bobby Moore, Geoff Hurst and Martin Peters (says what era he grew up in!). He came up to Liverpool for uni and used to go watch both Liverpool and Everton every other week (he was still a general football fan then but his best friend was a RS). He went to the derby in 82 at Goodison but went with his best friend in the away end. We all know what happened that day (Ian Rush :(). Dad came out after to go meet my mum, who he'd started going out with a few months earlier, he was absolutely gutted and felt sick. He's been a season ticket holder at Goodison ever since.

My mum always said to me "You can support whoever you want but if you don't support Everton, you aren't getting fed." :lol:

I've had a season ticket ever since I was 3 to this day. That's it really. ;)
Joe Royle's mar was a family friend, so as a kid I met him on several occasions, it was then that I realised he was ace and I wanted some of that too !
My mum's a blue and so is my dad (although oddly, they are the only blues in their families - both sets of parents and their siblings are all reds, so maybe theirs would be a more interesting story).

I wasn't given much of a choice in all honesty - dad took me the game from a relatively early age and I don't remember ever making a particularly conscious decision about who to support, it was just accepted that we all support Everton. That said, my brother turned out a red and rebelled.

I've got two young sons (4 and 1), they've both been kitted out since an early age and I don't intend to give either of them a choice.

I know that's not much of a story, but there we go. I'm a blue and I always have been. Product of good upbringing.
My Dad is a Blue as was my Grandad. Didn't think twice but it was confirmed aged 6the first time i walked up the gwladys stairs and saw the pitch under floodlights. Never looked back.

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