Liverpool locals only - Why and how did you become a blue?

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Chairperson, People's Front of Saint Domingo
I want to try and limit this to those that are from Liverpool (either currently or originally) about how and why you became an Evertonian instead of a Red. As someone who always grew up in one team towns here in the States, it's always fascinated me how you choose between two "home" teams. The Everton/LFC split is particularly interesting since there seems to be a lot of "mixed" families, which one wouldn't suspect. I would think that you either come from a "Blue" or "Red" family, but apparently that's not always the case.

So sound off...I'm really interested in your responses and stories.
I want to try and limit this to those that are from Liverpool (either currently or originally) about how and why you became an Evertonian instead of a Red. As someone who always grew up in one team towns here in the States, it's always fascinated me how you choose between two "home" teams. The Everton/LFC split is particularly interesting since there seems to be a lot of "mixed" families, which one wouldn't suspect. I would think that you either come from a "Blue" or "Red" family, but apparently that's not always the case.

So sound off...I'm really interested in your responses and stories.

My dad god bless the guy cos he's not with us anymore was a Blue so i guess it runs in my family my mum was a Blue too but 2 of my sons are Red 1 is a Blue and so is my daughter and her fella. I think they took the witches side after we divorced. I got 3 lads and a girl you see. You either are or you arent.
All my family have been Evertonians for the last 4 generations (with my kids) except for the odd black sheep or married in family member. There wasn't much choice really, glad it was that way though.
Our house was painted blue and white and called Goodison, no choice really - taken to the match from the age of six

My parents were no help.. two students who met at Uni . One from Newcastle the other Croydon. Moved to Liverpool, when I was 5. One afternoon, when I was about 6 years old, playing footie with my posse ( all three of us) on Barnfield Playing fields in West Derby, we all decided who we were going to 'be' and which teams we'd all follow. One chose Leeds, cos they were the fashionable team of the time, the other chose the [Poor language removed] and I picked Everton, mainly through lack of options and that Everton's training ground, Bellefield was next to the playing fields.

So, I've sort of been a life ling Blue via proxy. And (almost) loved every minute of it ! Sadly, sometime after I left West Derby for Lark Lane's more bohemian pastures, Barnfield was renamed The Shankly Fields after that miserable cantankerous old Scottish sterotype. Who, sadly lived in Bellefield Road.

So, when the famous quote of "If Everton were playing in my back garden, I'd close the curtains" was made public - It was a blatant lie, 'Cos back in the day, Everton sometimes had open training days and all the local scroats would pile in and watch - and his curtains were always open!!! :)
Via My Dad who was one of 10 children and luckily he was guided down the right path from his eldest brother- the other 8 children all reds- so I feel very honoured to be one of the few from the next generation of the family to be chosen.
Im not from Liverpool, bit racist to just ask the scousers like, you know, us wools have a voice as well you know!!

I probably live nearer to a lot of fans from Liverpool, its only 4.5miles away from our house lad.

Just saying like.

And of course, I was chosen.


Family. Born into it.

Not sure where it started, but I don't really care, because I wouldn't have it any other way.
from southport so close enough! :p

whole family is blue! so allways been in or around all things everton!

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