Liverpool locals only - Why and how did you become a blue?

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14 May 1966.
I'm about 16 months old.
Sat on my Dad's knee.
Derek temple scores the third.
Dad leaps up.
I fly.
Yet to land.
My first game was at Anfield when I was 6yo, my RS Dad took me with my uncle. They won 1-0 and I wasn't that arsed

A few months later, my other uncle(Blue) on my Mum's side(all Blue) took me to Goodison. We beat Coventry 1-0. I don't really know why I chose Blue, I think it was just cos I had a better day out. Plus my uncle gave me a scarf and a little plastic EFC trophy type thing which I kept on my bedroom windowcill
Because my dad was. And there was dark talk of children's homes if I didn't follow suit.

This is true by the way: The bus past Analfield... 'if you don't behave and be a good Blue that's the naughty childrens' home where they send you to be put right'


Grandfather (early 1900s - late 70s) took Grandmother (Liverpool born) to Goodison.
Dad (born 1930 in Everton Vale) still going after 70 odd years (first saw Dixie as a little boy)
Myself - born in Liverpool (clocked up over 40 years now)
Son (23 years old) - sits next to me..

No Reds in my family - NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. :) - or would be disowned if they were.
you know i havnt a clue.both my brothers are reds and both until recently went the game one still does,my dad was into boxing and not the footy, my mum went both games but was a blue,but didnt bring me, she went to wembley 1968 and left me sick on the couch with mumps,never forgive her,anyway my brothers brought me a liverpool kit to cheer me up,i was only a kid at the time and not really that botherd about footy more into batman, but for some reason i became a blue after that and the kit got left,maybe i was scared of being abandond agian, started to go on my own when i was nine then with my mates and thats it since, lucky i got mumps in the long run.

I want to try and limit this to those that are from Liverpool (either currently or originally) about how and why you became an Evertonian instead of a Red. As someone who always grew up in one team towns here in the States, it's always fascinated me how you choose between two "home" teams. The Everton/LFC split is particularly interesting since there seems to be a lot of "mixed" families, which one wouldn't suspect. I would think that you either come from a "Blue" or "Red" family, but apparently that's not always the case. if it wasnt for shankly and them 4 ****s jl. p m. g h . .and that **** ringo fuken starr. there would not be a liverpool football club . do you ever here were the rolling stones come from. no you dont. think about it. l f c world wide i hate them 4 ****s .

So sound off...I'm really interested in your responses and stories.

All my family are red. and i wasnt that interested in football, until a mate asked me to go to goodison, so i said yeah, and i was a blue.
I naturally went against the family clique and become a blue boy to there disgust.

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