2018/19 Yannick Bolasie

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whos gunna want him on about 70k a week. Can't even do it in the championship.

Send him to Turkey if we can

I love the fact that he has no say in the matter.

If we are to get rid of him we would probably have to pay half his wages or something for the remainder of his contract.

Or hope Moyes gets another job. He loves our cast offs.
The only thing that makes sense. If it's him that's invoked the clause.

Which is another point, why on earth did we give him the option?

I get having one for Everton to trigger in case of injuries/return to form but having one for him seems to have no upside. The only possibility is him triggering it when we don't want to. As we'd have done it anyway.

Probably giving him that option was the only way he woukd agree to go.

These surplus to requirement players on astronomical wages and long contracts really have their clubs over a barrel in these situations.

How the heck did you find that post in the middle of a four year old thread???

Anyway, Bolasie used to be decent but inconsistent. No were near good enough for what we paid, but he was one of Palace's better players. Then he got injured and he lost his speed, which was all he had. He's no were near as good a Walcott, even with Walcott's current form and Lookman is looking pretty good these days.

He'll be a distant third choice and a potential trouble maker around the squad (just speculation, I don't know what sort of person he is). Maybe Marco will banish him to train alone until he finds a club.
You would guess it’s because there’s interest from elsewhere in him. Either that or Silva has been on the phone to Allardyce and Koeman about how to troll the fan base and was given the idea of starting Bolasie over Lookman.
I honestly don't think it's anything more than he's seen how crap we are playing and thinks he has a chance of getting his way back into the team.

It just shows how difficult a task it has been to offload him when we have to resort to including such crazy clauses in the loan agreement.

I hope he/we have got something lined up otherwise he'd just cut it short himself for 6 months off, because no doubt he will have been told in the summer he won't play, nothing will have changed
His performances of late have been embarrassing. Clearly not caring. Taking home his 70k a week so he’s happy. The potential and ability is there, but he doesn’t care to want to use or show it, which is shameful..

Yes, I get the shameful osrt.

But why do you say “Thank God for that”?

Ah.....I have just niticed your avatar......you are a Villan lol

I am sure you are delighted to be shot of the bugger.
Bolassie coming back from a Championship side is Everton of the last few years summed up in a nut shell. We spend big money on him, give him a very good contract and now we can't give him away.
Re-building this club is a major job which is going to take time and money. There are a lot of players to move on.

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