What time will e-ticketing let me in?

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Ok so i opened up about 10 tabs on my laptop - and was waiting an hour, about half an hour in i went on my phone - and it loaded - but it doesnt support flash ffs!!!

Then i went downstairs on my computer, and within 5 minutes it logged in!! LUCKILY for me they had the ONE ticket that i wanted, every other ticket around the area i wanted was sold - how lucky? I mean literally the exact row and seat number.

Anyway i got the order confirmation, then clicked on details to check my address and it logged off. Hope it all went through ok!

Dont know whatthe panic is, all ST guarenteed a ticket.


Fussy aren't we all of a sudden.

I dont care if i have a seat on the fooking roof, I just want to be at Wemberley.

Your seat will not matter 1 bit.
Fussy aren't we all of a sudden.

I dont care if i have a seat on the fooking roof, I just want to be at Wemberley.

Your seat will not matter 1 bit.

email the club and tell them you'll have the last 1 after everyone else gets to pick then.

point is, I could've ended up having to pay £50 for a kids ticket and £60 for mine. It's not like they are cheap ffs.

Mrs asked me how much and I said £70, she thought each so I coulda got away with the dear ones, as it is it's £40 cheaper which is my diesel covered.
People are funny !

"I would do anything to get to wembley, to watch my team at the satge, with the ground full of Blues"

"Well, not actually anything, I want a Westery facing seat, high enough to feel th breeze on my face, but low enough to to see Nev's face when pointing at nothing.....but yes ANYTHING, COYB !!!"

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