What is the plan? Were are we heading?

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I want both as well.

But don't tell me there wasn't loads last year who were saying 'points over style'.

I personally don't think the football has been anywhere near as dull as people have made out either.

It's been pessimistic, but when it's clicked we've looked very, very good.

The issue is it hasn't clicked enough, and yesterday our traditional slow start to games got punished.

The problem really boils down to intensity. Koeman wants us to play with pace and intensity - like he got S'ton doing.

Unfortunately, I just don't think the players we have are capable of it, and there is absolutely nothing in terms of movement.

That has been the problem for the entirety of 2016, not just since Koeman took over.

I wasn't telling you that. Some do sadly believe points, results and trophies are all that matters in football. Not me. However who are the posters who habe changed their opinion and are now being hypocritical and saying they want style?

I haven't seen much in any of the games to get me excited and the City tactics were such a horrible deja vu of the worst of Moyes that it was depressing.

I want a positive motivator who makes the best of what he has and builds towards something bigger. More like what Martinez seemed to be but obviously much better.

The Premier League always has a merry go round of average to good managers who have some good seasons at some points in their careers and keep getting jobs. They are normally British. Unfortunately I think we have gotten a Dutch version of one of those type of managers.

I hope I am wrong. The upside of him is that when we do hire the next guy, Koeman will have left us in a fairly decent state. Hopefully the next appointment is the big one.
This is not a knee jerk reaction to an awful performance, but a genuine concern/question. Just what is the plan for Everton?
We have had the ITK's telling us that nothing will be the same again, Moshiri is going to take us to the top etc.
My concern is Koeman does not talk like a man in charge of a huge coming force does he? The more I hear him the more he talks like Moyes did, that we are "only Everton" and we have to put up with being rubbish sometimes and we should be realistic etc.
If he has been briefed on this big plan then why are they no statements of intent, promises of improvement, Bullishness?
Nothing will be the same? it seems exactly the same to me, that is definitely starting to concern me after the optimism of the summer, or the promise of optimism?

Not only does he sound like Moyes (albeit with a better grasp of English), he also approaches away games against 'top' sides in the same negative manner. And at the risk of stating the obvious - he's also ginger. Ironically against Chelsea, his side showed the same lack of bottle we became used to from a Martinez side but none of the flawed sense of adventure. Worst of both worlds on Saturday.

In terms of directly answering your question my answer would be: "Continuing to go nowhere"

My bank doesn't tell me what their 5 year plan is. Either does my supermarket. Or the local grog shop. Which is fine, I'm really not that interested. As long as the bank gives me my money when I want it, as long as I can get my groceries or a case of beer, that is all I ask.

Same with Everton, I don't need to know their 5 year plan. I just need to know that they are going to win their next game.
A good question from the OP.

I hadn't particularly thought about a more bullish attitude from RK in the face of sitting on a large transfer budget, but he can only work with the players he currently has. After the novelty of his initial honesty and straight talking (now worn off a bit for me), he would look foolish in the extreme talking up our prospects on the basis of signings that have yet to be made.

As for Moshiri, its apparent that he is not savvy or experienced in dealing with the media despite his personal wealth. And his Jim White texts were a disaster for someone trying to communicate with fans, as good as his intentions may have been. We can only hope he has learned from that.

So, as to the question "Where are we heading" then it seems we might expect slow but steady improvement with plenty of bumps on the way until Koeman has a squad that is made up of his own players by and large. It's still a decent enough start despite yesterday. I appreciate the difficulties he has - IMO this squad is awful, populated with distinctly average players in the main, and more worringly, players whose attitude and commitment are very questionable, no, very very poor. We have a lot of players that are on a downward curve and going through the motions in collecting their wages.

One thing I think is becoming clearer is that this rebuilding job will take up the majority of Koeman's 3 year contract. If, as I hope there is a large turnover of players in the next 12-18 months, then it will take further time to gel things together. The strategy of aiming for signings of the likes of Witsel and Mata will probably have to be jettisoned in favour of signing players who can play together and consolidate us as a Top 7 team. We have to be practical and deliberate with our targets and cut our cloth accordingly.

I have never been bothered as such by making high-profile and/or elite signings, not that we can get those players - for me its about having genuine competition for places right across the squad and cover in all areas whilst keeping an eye on the appropriate mix of youth and experience. It should not be reduced to signing Enner Valencia on loan - with all due respect to him he'll get a goal or two if he's lucky before May and then return to West Ham - what good will he have done for Everton?

It would be great to be a fly on the wall as to Koeman's thinking. I always thought from the start that it was a risk for him taking this job given a generational history of failure at Everton. Perhaps he did take it for $$$, but he is going to have a hell of a challenge on his hands transforming us into a Champions League outfit within 3 years, if that's the intention. If he achieves it and then wants to leave, he will have my lifelong thanks. I would be sceptical of this, my feeling is this rebuilding will take longer with the prospect of better things only becoming more likely, if at all, by the end of his first contract.

What Koeman, and the club want, in the longer-term, only they will know. As fans we are told nothing and that's a completely other issue to be addressed.

What did you expect, a new stadium to walk into at the start of the season, Winning all our games and be top of the table by now. It does take a bit of time.
It's going to take time

I honestly think we're slowly moving in the right direction

We need to sort the stadium more than anything else, that's crucial

Dockside stadium will determine everything going forward, fail to deliver that and we end up staying put or going some arse end of nowhere like SC or Kirkby then we've been had off as a fan base and the club won't ever be able to get to the place we all long for us to return to mate
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