What do we want?

Justice for the only team to have had a bad decision made against them in the history of football!

When do we want it?

When everyone's stopped laughing!

Really not
Tell me when a comparable situation has occurred and I'll stand corrected. The closest is probably the Wolves disallowed goal against Liverpool but that isn't really the same because they made the correct decision based on the information that had at the time and that decision was implemented even if it was incorrect in hindsight. But even that is very different to the correct decision being made but not implemented.
Yeah if this had happened to anyone else we'd be as outraged as anyone, and we have to remember this can happen to us any time.

They need specialists in VAR (younger people who are more adept at using technology, not former refs who's skill set is completely different)

The technology itself is poor, the cameras aren't always in the right positions to tell so that isn't helping them - it's rarely a straight line. For example I don't see how they could make a definitive decision on our goal on Saturday, the angle wasn't right. That's why they spent so long checking Tarkowski's jump for a foul, they didn't fancy making the offside call

It needs to go until they sort these things out though. If it requires a game to be replayed then that's fine
Things like this happen to us and other teams BUT the media don't dissect it as they have on this occasion. Do you really not get that?
Tell me when a comparable situation has occurred and I'll stand corrected. The closest is probably the Wolves disallowed goal against Liverpool but that isn't really the same because they made the correct decision based on the information that had at the time and that decision was implemented even if it was incorrect in hindsight. But even that is very different to the correct decision being made but not implemented.

Villa v Sheff Utd when the ball went over the line and the technology just randomly didn’t work. They still had VAR so could’ve intervened to give the goal.
Tell me when a comparable situation has occurred and I'll stand corrected. The closest is probably the Wolves disallowed goal against Liverpool but that isn't really the same because they made the correct decision based on the information that had at the time and that decision was implemented even if it was incorrect in hindsight. But even that is very different to the correct decision being made but not implemented.
I think this has happened a lot, theres have been a large number of bizarre VAR decisions where everyone assumes they will overturn a call, or vice versa and yet they inexplicably make the obviously wrong call. As the only other explanation is open and rampant corruption, Id bet this has happened a number of times but they just havent shared the audio.

I think this has happened a lot, theres have been a large number of bizarre VAR decisions where everyone assumes they will overturn a call, or vice versa and yet they inexplicably make the obviously wrong call. As the only other explanation is open and rampant corruption, Id bet this has happened a number of times but they just havent shared the audio.
Are you talking about offsides?
Villa v Sheff Utd when the ball went over the line and the technology just randomly didn’t work. They still had VAR so could’ve intervened to give the goal.
That still slightly different though because VAR wasn't asked to make a call one way or another on that decision and I don't even know if they looked at it in real time.
Things like this happen to us and other teams BUT the media don't dissect it as they have on this occasion. Do you really not get that?
This particular situation is unique in the way it happened, and shows a real issue with the system that we didn't really get until the audio was released.

I think our fans are blinded by hatred of Liverpool but I get that I'm the minority in not caring about them
This particular situation is unique in the way it happened, and shows a real issue with the system that we didn't really get until the audio was released.

I think our fans are blinded by hatred of Liverpool but I get that I'm the minority in not caring about them

It sucks, but human error is still part of the game. Everyone should move on.

It’s not poor refereeing. The officials made the correct decision but it wasn’t implemented. I can’t think of a single occasion where that has happened. It brings the entire game into disrepute because the officials confirmed a goal had been scored and it wasn’t included in the final score. That has never happened before. Liverpool are right to complain about it.
How do you know it's never happened before? Have you had access and listened to the VAR staff's conversations for every VAR decision that there's been?
I mentioned this in the Today’s Football thread last night when I was watching it, but thought I’d post this here now the highlights are out.

Porto denied a blatant (imo) penalty, after a VAR review had deemed the striker had handled it first. It genuinely gets more baffling the more I watch it. And Anthony Taylor is meant to be one of the “best” in England ffs?! How the hell can Taylor honestly think this is a handball by the Porto player, do they have different criteria for handballs in European comps or something?!

3:37 for the incident

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