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Usmanov statement on Sky seemed to be direct quotes, because it fell short of 'I AM investing in Everton' he actually said he would 'consider' investing in Everton and is also looking at Inter Milan and another European club. He could of course invest in us and Milan without breaking any rules. Aren't Watford owned by the owners of Udinese? He then confirmed that he 'already sponsors Finch Farm' and 'Moshiri is a close friend and I will help him any way he wants(para). Also said ' If I invest in a football club I would want complete control'. 'When I invested in Arsenal it was because I felt that football could be a source of great profiability in the future,and that time is now here.'

If he did invest in us and it's only an IF at the moment and we became the next City or Chelski, would you really stop supporting Everton ?
I think not , I hope he does and helps us bring some silverware to the club. Just imagine the kudos if we were to win the premier before that shower across the park !

I know some city fans who were doubtful about the whole Sheik thing, particularly after the Shiniwatra debacle, but their attitude now is not to get too intense about it all, but just enjoy the ride. Exactly as it should be.
Usmanov spent years trying to gain control of Arsenal. It began to look as if it might never happen. He remained intent on doing so BUT he was wise enough to have a plan B (cue Moshiri's move to Everton)
Eventually it became clear that Kronke wasn't moving. Usmanov has had to accept the fact that he has finally lost the battle for Arsenal, that will have hurt, but I guarantee that he will be intent on winning the war with Kronke.
I believe that he WILL invest heavily in Everton.
Fast forward to 2022 when Everton beat Arsenal in the Champions league Final.
Camera pans to Usmanov and Moshiri who are sat in the Directors box wearing smug, self satisfied smiles whilst extending their middle fingers in the direction of Kronke.
Never happen arsenal won't get to the champions league final

The official quotes seem to differ from place to place. What ones are official?

Bloomberg seems to mention Everton only in the "Moshiri is a friend" statement whereas the echo, telegraph etc include other quotes that bloomberg attribute to his possible interest in clubs abroad.

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