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We are perfectly placed for Usmanov to have everything he has wanted while trying to gain control of Arsenal.

We are a club ripe for investment to make us a champions league club, with a brand new stadium to lord it in.

Usmanov and Moshiri are not in it to make money, they want to indulge their passion for football and the prestige that comes with owning a top club in this league around the world.

They both love the premier league, best league in the world, could Usmanov buy another Prem club and go up against his best bud Moshiri?, no chance, they’ll run us together as they tried to do at Arsenal.

Plan A failed, onto Plan B.
Just seems way too good to be true to me... Don't think he will come here
He's a fantasist. He says that he gets his info from speaking to people close to the club. As if anyone would tell him anything considering he would just blab it all over twitter.

I would @ him, but he's not on here anymore.

His transformation from sound, informative and well respected poster into this attention craving "ITK" is weird.

I havnt a clue what he Tweets, other than the few that find their way onto here, but despite his accuracy in the early days of Moshiri being challenged, I know for a fact that at the time, he did have a source at the club. I also know why.

Like most now though, I would imagine that source is well away, and perhaps folk are confusing his Tweets as not ITK, (which I doubt), but opinions. But like I said, not on Twitter, so that, ^^^^ could be garbage.

Once again how could the Esk possibly know about Usmanov's other involvements or any plans he may or may not have.
October 2017...

Arsenal shareholder Alisher Usmanov denies claims he is set to sell 30 per cent Gunners stake to majority owner Stan Kroenke amid £525m bid reports
  • Alisher Usmanov has insisted he will not sell his 30 per cent of Arsenal
  • There had been rumours Stan Kroenke was looking to buy them for £525m
  • The Uzbek billionaire has always stated he is not willing to consider selling
  • But Arsenal's refusal to give him a seat on the board looks unlikely to change
  • Arsenal Supporters Trust are keen to make sure Kroenke doesn't gain full control.
Even if Usmanov did pile in on a Newcastle or West Ham it could still work in our favour. The more teams with billionaire owners the more level the plying field becomes. The top 6 havent felt the pain of missing out on CL yet because each one can still attract talent on the promise of ‘we’ll be back next year’ etc. If there’s 7, 8, 9 teams all with a big spending power and big teams started to consistently miss out on top 4 the top players would stay away. This might then give us a chance to get back in with those top 6 teams in the conversation.

Much as I would love to be thrilled at this development I just can’t be. In case you weren’t aware, we Yanks are having some problems with the Russians and mobbed-up oligarchs trying to destroy our country, which is a bit more important than the footy.

Well if you didn't go around destroying other countries, maybe everyone would get on better?
How would it work him coming here in terms of shares?

No way would he accept being a minority partner and if Moshiri buys out Woods as recently reported he'll own around 58% of the club.
How would it work him coming here in terms of shares?

No way would he accept being a minority partner and if Moshiri buys out Woods as recently reported he'll own around 58% of the club.

He can just be a partner in Blue Heaven Holdings.

Just as they did with Red & White at Arsenal.

The company is in the IOM so it can be structured how ever they want without anyone seeing it.

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