The Handball

Alas, I rather think he is ...

Makes just as many errors as any others. I dont think he knows what a handball is. Missed the handball in the city chelsea semi final.
Ive seen three different highlight clips today of yest game all with different commentators. All three of them after seeing the replay said thats going to be chalked off for handball. VAR sent to him to the touchline to do the right thing.
Its done now and its brushed away because it never affected the title. But it was an awful call from imo a poor ref.
watched many replays of this and I really don't understand why Oliver doesn't see the obvious hand-ball on the screen which led to the goal. I am not sure I support the corruption theory as the PGMOL members value integrity over a few bob in a brown envelope. I do believe people make poor split second decisions but this wasn't that. I dont think it was pressure from the home crowd or fear of looking stupid as he can always pass the blame to VAR boys.... I just don't get it. application of hte rules of the game would say that the goal should not have been allowed - what am I missing?
Thankfully it amounted to nothing. I would have been annoyed if we lost 3 mil in prize money to Brentford all because of obvious match fixing. We need every dollar.
Clough was right TV would ruin everything. Everything now is just about drama, integrity is irrelevant, just give Arsenal a goal under the hope West Ham pull 1 back and Sky can have a nail biting finale. Same reason Collins disallowed Duncs goal, because they didn't want us in Champions League. Everything has been designed to ensure big clubs get every decision. It's no longer enjoyable watching games, knowing that referees have no interest in being honest doing their job.

We should be demanding that the audio is released for the decision and also demanding that Oliver explain his decision
I'd happily scrap VAR provided Referees are obligated to face the media just as managers are post match.

Some shambolic performances are rewarded season upon season with incredibly generous pay. For example, Oliver as our 'top' ref gets roughly:

£40k retainer
£200k salary
£1500 'match allowance'

On top of this, he'll get handsomely rewarded for UEFA/FIFA matches he's inevitably selected for.

He's approaching £400k a year all in, but obviously has a massive chip on his shoulder that a 17 year old earns more sat on the bench for Chelsea.

He's paid well, he should be accountable and a transparent grading metric applied by the PGMOL that's signed off by both managers for that match.

The standard of refereeing has dropped steadily over the past 20 years in this country, something has to change.
These are the decisions the reds teams gets. Jota dives, referee is miles away and gives a penalty.
Referee will tend to give the penalty and the var imhas to say it was a clear and obvious error. If the this was any other side the referee would ignore it and then let VAR intervene.
This then is not in the stats that VAR has helped the the RS out making it look less biased

And that's why modern footy is corrupt.
...only at the ridiculously moneyed level...the game is all good below that 'last stage of capitalism' level (i.e. corrupt beyond anything ). I watch not one second of PL football (beyond Everton highlights...which, by definition is not much). But I've been a big Phoenix fan in the Aussie A-League....much more genuine football.
I'm not one for throwing the baby out with the remains a lovely sport, and I support it. Rugby is my greater love, and only Everton challenges my primary sporting allegiance to the All Blacks. Sadly, Everton participates in a League that is so beyond corrupt, I can watch, as I've said, barely a second of it. The PL is vexatious to my soul...bent, corrupt and evil
Clough was right TV would ruin everything. Everything now is just about drama, integrity is irrelevant, just give Arsenal a goal under the hope West Ham pull 1 back and Sky can have a nail biting finale. Same reason Collins disallowed Duncs goal, because they didn't want us in Champions League. Everything has been designed to ensure big clubs get every decision. It's no longer enjoyable watching games, knowing that referees have no interest in being honest doing their job.
I actually think it’s likely that we look back at the history and Man City scraped to a two pointer season finish. Rather than won by a cantor with 4 points.
Helps us with the premier league being the most competitive in the world
