The Handball

I feel very sorry for refs on handball.
The law is absurd.
No one, literally no one agrees with it.
Clearly should have been a handball of course, but we’ve made their lives so much harder.
Just popped onto twitter to see other football fans opinions and the amount that don't think it's handball is staggering.

I don't care if his arm was by his side. He swiveled his body around and leant into it. His arm acted as an extension to his body and changed the direction of the ball! If he hadn't of done that the ball would have gone straight past him.
You can kind of understand it for people who don't look further into the rules, if they hear 'hands down by his side' all the time it would be perfectly reasonable to assume that it can't be handball if a player's hands are down by his side. But this was a deliberate handball, it's a different part of the handball law.

I think that without the Wolves VAR vote, he probably would have given that as handball. Clearly just trying to demonstrate that that VAR isn't followed all the time, that the ref makes the final call etc.

Just watched the Everton TV rerun and the commentator (think it's Darren Griffiths) even called it wrong. He said that Jesus was trying to get his arm out of the way.

He's got that completely wrong as Jesus knew exactly what he was doing but things like that are why decisions like this will always be able to be brushed under the carpet. And apparently Shearer was saying it wasn't handball last night.

The club should be demanding an answer but doubt they'll bother so this will continue next season.
Referees should have total liability

Each team should have three issues they can request a full enquiry about post-match (like in tennis where they can dispute bad calls)

If the referee is found to have made an obvious error (as is 100% definitely the case here) then a suspension should be put in place with the financial implications that could incur

It's a dereliction of duties at best, potentially even corruption in some cases
Just popped onto twitter to see other football fans opinions and the amount that don't think it's handball is staggering.

I don't care if his arm was by his side. He swiveled his body around and leant into it. His arm acted as an extension to his body and changed the direction of the ball! If he hadn't of done that the ball would have gone straight past him.

People are massively confused and are comparing it to situations where a shot m/cross has come in and hit the defender accidentally whilst talking about natural arm Positions etc.

That’s all irrelevant in this case, it’s a deliberate handball so arm position doesn’t matter.

The law has been clear on this for decades, any movement towards the ball in this case is handball. This is irrefutable in this case unless you are a Geordie it seems.
