The Financial Landscape of English Football

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The only thing that will save English football is that sort of radical re-set button. As it stands now, it is an over-hyped Scottish league with pre-determined winners.

I fully agree that this is what is required. I don't see it happening unless if a big selection of teams get fed up and decide to create their own federation.
I think rather than the current PSR. each club should be allowed to spend the same amount as eachother on playing staff, regardless of income. Similar to NFL. So lets say each club can spend £300m per season, made up of wages and transfer fees. Spending on stadium, training ground, non playing staff, under 16's, etc are not included in the £300m. The accounting period should end a month after the transfer window closes in August.

The clubs can vote to increase or decrease the spending each year.

The biggest challenge to this is that it will be easier for clubs in other countries to take players away from the premier league. But ultimately because the clubs vote on the upper limit they can vote to increase this. The other issue will be at a european level Uefa are trying to link spending to revenue.

777 are desperate to get their hands on us as they see us as nothing more than a golden egg ticket to preserve their own business aspirations.

Fortunately, it appears that many of their financial backers are now seeing through them and are pulling the plug.

I know we are in no great position to pick and choose but these bad boys are unlikely to be the answer.
The drawbridge got pulled up far too soon for clubs to compete with Chelsea and City. They should have been capped on spending and the rest of us spend a lot more than allowed for at least another 3/4 yrs.
What are the PL P&SR rules changing to from next season? Maybe they’ll go some way to stopping the runaway train into sporting oblivion once the ESL has also been given the nod?

Once the ESL is up and running Sky will just divert their TV deal money to that and the Sheikhs and American consortiums will follow that stench. ‘Fans’ who know no better or who follow ‘their team’ from afar will lap it up because they will be shown that is the only route to personal fulfilment, like now with the PL. English football at the new top or elite level will have to have something in place in order to continue. If Masters & Co can’t sort that out they need to hand it over and hand it over now.
The big 6 in the prem are financially on another level, top half is the ceiling for teams like West Ham and hopefully Everton in the long term with the new stadium, maybe UEL/Conference League at times, and a cup run, combined with good football at best. Salary cap is mainly due to increase the competitiveness within the league, it helped in Spain as I said in the previous post for most of the teams, but no one can compete with Real, Barca or Atletico. The disadvantage is clearly to keep up signing big names.

I just can tell from a Bilbao sight, we are in a modern stadium with the same size as BMD and 13'000 more than the old loved San Mamés, making us number 4 in match day revenues in Spain. Already in the first season, it brought 15 millions more (not included sponsorship), which was crucial as you know we are limited due to our only basques strategy. We were the healthiest club in Spain before covid having had no loss since the 90s, but had 3 losses in a row with a total of 50 million (revenue decreased by 25 mio on average), but still a lot of reserves and liquidity. We are back on profit for this season, as now we are on a better level than before covid on revenue.

Didn't find an article on what a new stadium brings more in match day revenue, sponsorships events etc. Anyone knows any predictions? It's not a good feeling in order to nostalgia to leave Goodison behind after so many years, but unfortunately it's necessary to keep up financially to some extent. A big decision for a club, which way to go. Well, the amount of interests is worrying, but I am sure it will help Everton in the long term granted the right owners and people on board. That's the biggest doubt.

Don't allow owners to borrow against the club. If they want to invest in said club its their liability.
This is so true. One of the biggest issues is how often the owners put the club in debt. It affects potential sales and often is what drives them under. All financial liability should be on the owner. If that was established, it could make many paths more viable.
This is so true. One of the biggest issues is how often the owners put the club in debt. It affects potential sales and often is what drives them under. All financial liability should be on the owner. If that was established, it could make many paths more viable.
Sure we can change law as they are important part of cultural identity locally country wide and internationally, all clubs should be protected...
Outlaw all and any payments to agents. In fact ban agents from the game entirely!

If we can't eradicate them from our game then let players pay them out of their own pockets if that's their choice.

Absolute parasites that lot and we all end up paying for them one way or another.

After that let clubs spend what they want based on their revenue only and any unsecured money they can bring in. And no borrowing against the clubs existing assets.
*puts on serious cap

I don’t want this discussion into turn a PSR, elite club chat to overrun that thread. But what would people see as fair and just to regulate the competition.

With our situation, Forest and now Villa who are posting £120m losses, how can a team compete?

There is a lot of calls for salary caps, or do people just say open the books and let clubs do what they want, and spend however they see fit.

I remember there was a thread on here once about doping in Athletics.

One of the responses was that Athletes should be allowed to take what they want to become superhuman, it’d make great entertainment as many already do now!

But I’m not sure of the safety aspect of it.

I guess for me it’s a bit like that with football. If there were no rules on money spend would it work? Essentially it’d be like having a massive movie budget and hiring top actors hoping to get a return on investment by millions of people going to watch it at the cinema or online. Many movies flop, money goes down the drain, and companies have gone bust.

Except this is football so it’s different. Fans love the teams they have chosen to follow and spend money on watching that weekly movie and buying merchandise and feel like they are part of it, even though it’s a private company, and only a few own shares in comparison to total fanbase.

I guess what I’m saying is we are all Star Wars nerds.

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