Takeover bid by Peter Kenyon

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Oh mate I don’t doubt it, but I’m just curious how anyone would plan to make money off us. Goodison can’t be worth much, BM is a building site and we have a squad of high earners who don’t wanna leave coz nobody will pay what they are on here. The situation is pretty dire as it is.
Agreed, but if you put all the debt on to the club, ALL the assets are yours, cost free. I cannot think of a single Anerican owned club where the owner doesn't rinse it. I am sure there are some but I do not know them. THis is business to them, Glazers,FSG etc all made huge sums from their clubs. Mosh, not a penny.
Doubt Maddock has a clue.

For a start he claimed that Thornton is a mining billionaire when he isn't he's a millionaire who ran a mining company worth billions...

I mean in fairness, he probably is a billionaire, and will likely have some of the equity of that business given his position.
Agreed, but if you put all the debt on to the club, ALL the assets are yours, cost free. I cannot think of a single Anerican owned club where the owner doesn't rinse it. I am sure there are some but I do not know them. THis is business to them, Glazers,FSG etc all made huge sums from their clubs. Mosh, not a penny.
Can’t argue with that mate. Let’s see how it plays out, doubt moshiri cares who we get sold too tbh
That's my feeling. Richard Keys has said there is middle Eastern interest before.

I seem to remember a couple of Americans early buying the club, before Moshiri swooped in. Could it happen again?

The only other thing I'd say, is they may well have agreed a price, and be doing diligence.

I dont see Everton being particularly attractive to a raider/culture. Theres no cash on the balance sheets, and it loses money. Theres not really a quick leveraged turnaround here.
Was there at Burnley?

I mean in fairness, he probably is a billionaire, and will likely have some of the equity of that business given his position.

"The estimated Net Worth of John L Thornton is at least $3.76 Million dollars"

The other bloke named by Law apparently nearly went bankrupt a decade ago.

Honestly hope this doesn't happen mate nothing good about these fellas at all.
I think three things are already clear now that this development has been reported.

1. Moshiri and Kenwright have utterly failed and need to go.
2. Moshiri knows that he needs to go - for financial reasons - and is open to selling.
3. This particular American consortium does not pass the smell test with their links to Trump, Bannon, and iffy Chinese activities.

So, as far as I am concerned, I can't see this one going through (not enough in it for Moshiri) and I wouldn't want it to go through. If we must have utterly unsavoury owners, they could at least be preposterously rich and should be willing to splurge a la Man City or Chelsea. Otherwise, no point in being asset stripped by Trump's mates.
If nothing else MEGA makes for a better hat than MAGA

To make it worse why is this happening in the summer after we just escaped relegation? That’s just what we need when trying to rebuild to stay in the prem, a whole new board and owners, who knows if we can spend or not now?
To make it worse why is this happening in the summer after we just escaped relegation? That’s just what we need when trying to rebuild to stay in the prem, a whole new board and owners, who knows if we can spend or not now?
If we hadn’t escaped relegation the prospects would have been far grimmer.

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