Standard of refereeing

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Player Valuation: £70m
For me it's improved massively the last few years.

IMO there was a definite bias towards the old 'big 4' and at times we'd effectively be playing against 12.

For me this made it a real challenge to get near that cabal as it proved with clubs with silly money being the only ones that broke it up.

This is a definite advantage to aides who are 'nice' as I consider us to be. All too often we'd be stitched up by diving, surrounding refs and sneaky players getting in the refs ear.

For me the playing field is all but even and U.S. and Tottenham are in a very good position to take advantage of it.

Pretty good. I still thought it was weird when he booked Coleman after Barkley's tug on a shirt to slow down a counterattack. Especially since Coleman's handball looked completely accidental.

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