Should we go for Silva?

Should we go for Silva?

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Dunno y'know mate - we’re not skint.
You are correct in saying we are not skint, but as with other clubs its a sell to buy policy...and of course when you waste the money we have spent in the past 18 months especially in the summer transfer window it diminishes our expectations. I want to see more ambition from our board but if we continue with the present incumbents I seriously doubt it.
I mean managers who have done absolutely nothing other then had a good run for a few mouths and received media attention while being hyped up ludicrously before inevitably being found out. I rember the shouts for Ian Holloway while he was having his great season with Blackpool! That's all Silva is, another Ian Holloway with a foreign name (which apparently automatically makes hin a good manager to some fans!) who had a decent little run before being found out.
Look at his record before coming to the premiership. If you did even a little research you wouldn't be saying that.
You are correct in saying we are not skint, but as with other clubs its a sell to buy policy...and of course when you waste the money we have spent in the past 18 months especially in the summer transfer window it diminishes our expectations. I want to see more ambition from our board but if we continue with the present incumbents I seriously doubt it.
That's another reason. With a manager who plays possession football some of these expensive flops may actually be quite good. Sandra, Klassen etc

I hate to say it but Tosun already looks to be another in that bracket. I don't think Sam rates him.
No and I can't disagree with that. I think most managers would have failed in the same circumstances though.It's an annual thing for their managers and they have had some decent ones.

He could have resigned, but they were threatening anything from 6-18 months gardening leave. I can see why, for am ambitious coach that was a no-go. Watford should have let him go, and in failing to do so have screwed themselves over along with Everton and Silva.

I can understand people want a bigger name manager. Our last search has ended up with us taking a fella who hasn't finished in the top half for about a decade and has recently managed Crystal Palace and Sunderland. I have very little faith that we can deliver and close on a major deal, particularly for a manager within a club. While there is undoubtedly an ambitious rhetoric from Moshiri with each passing day he looks more delusional to me, a problem heightened by the incompetency and low expectations of his board.

In that context I am very wary about setting our ambitions much too high and ending up keeping Allardyce or with another equivalent appointment. The fella has managed Sporting and won the league in very impressive style at Olympiakos. He seems very much a good appointment for the level we are at, albeit not a perfect appointment for where we want to be or where Moshiri thinks we are.

Who do you think we could go for come the summer mate? Do you think we could attract a Tuchel?

To be honest no, I don't think we can attract Tuchel or someone like him.

If it was of my choosing, I would try to get Jardim before he is snapped up by someone else but that's probably not feasible either.

Despite my views on Silva, he will still come here if Moshiri hasn't been put off by this turn of events.

Fonseca seems to have something about him, but another risk really.

I think we really need a tracksuit manager next time round, someone that can try and get in the players heads and get stuck in with training and offer some passion from the sidelines. It needs to be someone who will project a positive image of themselves and the club as our reputation is in tatters.

It should be a really simple task for the club to compile a shortlist of the best available candidates. We need to choose someone perhaps still making a reputation for themselves rather than the finished article. It's rather like where we were in appointing Moyes. There should be 4 or 5 names tripping off the tongue of Moshiri and the board in that regard, whether there is ever a vacancy or not.

Look at his record before coming to the premiership. If you did even a little research you wouldn't be saying that.
I think you'll find I would mate. Brief stints at every club he's been at apart from Estoril which lasted a staggering three years! He's never lasted longer then one season anywhere else as manager and if in supposed to be impressed with him winning a couple of cups in tin pot league I'm not. Koeman had enough trophy's like as a manager yet was still crap.
If it was my decision, I'd have sacked Allardyce by lunchtime today and have Silva taking charge of training tomorrow. He may or may not be the long term answer but Allardyce needs to go now.
He's crap. People wanna make the argument that his head was turned is why he is crap but that's hearsay, you wanna gamble that his crapness is down to something we can't proof? I know we've Fat Sam but are we sinking that low? Should we not be going for more of a surer thing?
I think you'll find I would mate. Brief stints at every club he's been at apart from Estoril which lasted a staggering three years! He's never lasted longer then one season anywhere else as manager and if in supposed to be impressed with him winning a couple of cups in tin pot league I'm not. Koeman had enough trophy's like as a manager yet was still crap.
That's because he has done so well he out grew those clubs. He won the league with olypiacos breaking a European record of consecutive wins. He won Sporting's first cup since 2008. He took a nothing club like Estoril who weren't doing well, got them promoted, won manager of the season and then took them into Europe.

He might not stay with us long either but if he has similar success here he might take us into the CL.
That's because he has done so well he out grew those clubs. He won the league with olypiacos breaking a European record of consecutive wins. He won Sporting's first cup since 2008. He took a nothing club like Estoril who weren't doing well, got them promoted, won manager of the season and then took them into Europe.

He might not stay with us long either but if he has similar success here he might take us into the CL.
He's also relegated Hull and been binned off by Watford after half a season. Can't be arsed with us anymore if we hire this chancer.

That's because he has done so well he out grew those clubs. He won the league with olypiacos breaking a European record of consecutive wins. He won Sporting's first cup since 2008. He took a nothing club like Estoril who weren't doing well, got them promoted, won manager of the season and then took them into Europe.
In other words he fluked a good first season and then walked away because he wasn't interested In building something or showing loyalty. Koeman had plenty of success in mediocre leagues to you know mate. The only club he built somthing beyond a first fluke season was Estoril and he only stayed their as long as he did because he didn't have somewhere better to be at the time. He's proven since that he's quite happy to leave his club at the first sniff of another coming in for him.
He might not stay with us long either but if he has similar success here he might take us into the CL.
Ah mate, and here I was taking you seriously until you said this. Martinez style guff this. It would take a number of years for any manager no matter how good to deliver champions league here. Not a clown like Silva who's more suited to a relegation battle.
This is going to be controversial but there's something very.. about men favouring tanned, dark haired foreign named slick managers over much better but white ginger/strawberry blonde british managers.

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