Should we be boycotting Sky?

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Far be it from me to tell people what to do, nor do I have the influence or reach on social media to start a campaign, but should we be asking fans to cancel Sky subs as part of our protest?

Nothing will get the greedy gets' attention quite like a few lost quid imo.

Do people still subscribe to Sky Sports package?

I haven’t done so for years.

A totally unnecessary expense.

Swerved Sky Sports yonks ago.

Total myopia, re Everton and any team outside the scab 6.

Also the constant social - political propaganda, fine on a news channel, whether liberal or conservative, but not when I just want to see sports reportage.

The traditional football fan, especially northern- working class, constantly portrayed as some racist, homophobic, dinosaurs resistant to the ongoing gentrification of the game.

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