Sam Allardyce

So, what next?

  • IN. Give him a chance and see what he can do?

    Votes: 79 8.3%
  • OUT. Thanks but no thanks. See Ya?

    Votes: 758 79.3%
  • As ever. Cheese on Toast

    Votes: 25 2.6%
  • Er, I am a bit scared of us Evertoning this right up.

    Votes: 94 9.8%

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I think it's possible that we're maybe looking into the language used a bit too much. At face value it would indeed appear that his wording at least has many suggesting that he'll still be here beyond the summer and you can understand that.

But... the fact that it's still not totally clear is what's leaving the situation open to interpretation still.

A very clear and definitive statement from Allardyce would've/should've read something akin to.. "we had a meeting with Farhad and the board in London yesterday and they've made it clear, in no uncertain terms, that I've got their full backing to carry on my work here leading into next season."

So, without that, here's what we have to go on:
  • He entered the press room smiling, commenting on the poor weather and how much better it was "in London yesterday". I wouldnt've thought that there was too much in how he dropped London in there (think a lot of people knew yesterday that the meeting was taking place) but all said and done it wasn't an untypical Allardyce 'mood' going into it;
  • On the initial talk around the meeting, having watched it back, I got the sense that Allardyce kind of knew what he was going to say beforehand. He wasn't so much directly asked by the reporter about how the meeting actually went.. the narrative seemed to be sparked around his suggestion that he perhaps still hadn't received 'clarity' on his position going forward. That's the point where Allardyce somewhat rebuked that suggestion and confirmed that 'some clarity' had been gleaned;
  • Nowhere in the actual narrative that followed did Allardyce confirm, despite talking about 'our' plans for pre-season & player movement during the meeting, that he'd definitely be the one at the helm for this. Even at the end when the reporter followed up before moving on...
    • Reporter: "so you're all on board together and looking forward to next season?
    • Allardyce: "didn't I just say that?" [laughs]
    • Report: "just for the sake of clarification.."
    • Allardyce: [looks down] "clarification? yes"
I don't know really. As others have suggested he just seemed very understated in what he was saying.. you have to assume that if the meeting was unequivocal in establishing that he's done enough to be given next season you feel he would've made a bigger deal about it. As it stands it still leaves doubt over what he's suggesting actually went down.

Great Post mate
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It always amuses me when people claim there will be a fans boycott, fans will drop away by the thousand. Balderdash. Probably some who say that never go anyway. Full houses again next season, let is hope the entertainment is far better. If there is one particular thing where I totally disagree with Sam is his statement that since he came we have seen some very entertaining games. Perhaps my memory has failed me. It is troubling that his idea of entertainment is far from ours. Perhaps we will just be "effective" and around 6th or 7th.
Does GOT have a resident body language interpreter mod on call? (BLIM for short) if so can they study the presser video and divine what the heli is Sam rambling on about.The truth is out there somewhere... Isn't it??

It always amuses me when people claim there will be a fans boycott, fans will drop away by the thousand. Balderdash. Probably some who say that never go anyway. Full houses again next season, let is hope the entertainment is far better. If there is one particular thing where I totally disagree with Sam is his statement that since he came we have seen some very entertaining games. Perhaps my memory has failed me. It is troubling that his idea of entertainment is far from ours. Perhaps we will just be "effective" and around 6th or 7th.

There's been 2 halves of football where I'd say I was genuinely "entertained".

The first half against Leicester
The second half against Palace

Otherwise not much entertainment. Especially not during the no shorts on target for 4 games period.
Your right, he has confirmed he is staying, but im guessing most people think he is on the wind up and knows he is either gone or nothing has been decided. But either way he has said he is staying.

I think he is staying, not because he has said so, but because Moshiri wont see a problem with him. Besides its possible we could win our last 3 games, or at least not lose them, which will save his job if its still 50/50
As things stand it's as plain as the nose on your face that he's here next season. No way would he be winding anyone up about staying and using the owner as a prop in that wind up.

We have to take this at face value. He's clarified what's happening this summer and he's been told to prepare for next season. It really cant be seen any other way and it's a massive stretch to think otherwise. He's got us to 8th and he gave Moshiri a decision to make. Moshiri brought him in to protect his investment and he's done that in spades. If it wasn't for the angst concerning style then Moshiri would be in clover with this situation right now.

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