Ronald Koeman discussion

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RK uncharacteristically Martinez like in his post match comments. We were very poor today and he doesn't seem to recognise that, but okay, he's been distracted during the game checking twitter for the O'Neill come back.
I can't complain as it was the team I wanted to see with the players we had.

They simply did not perform.

The only critisim I could have is he did not change it quick enough.

Don't agree, should of just played 4 at the back with either Holgate or Kenny at right back, stupid to play that defence



Injuries blighted the team he was able to put out today to compete with the one team that will always have our psychological measure...but I do not think he has the 'gig' to be 'all that' for EFC.
Bit too Moyesy for me...but better than Bobby (now he was really bad)
Ron is well off the mark praising that - "Proud"....of what? Being made to look like a completely inept team? I love his honesty and straight talking but he's chatting wham today.
I can only think he's saying that in public to maybe protect the players, especially the younger ones. However he better be telling them in the dressing room that the display was embarassing.

'Hopefully'... I was thinking the same... but that was one of the main reasons Martinez was criticised. Also if the players, young or not, cant take a bit of criticism/tough love, then I would seriously question if they were the right characters to take us to the next level.

RK uncharacteristically Martinez like in his post match comments. We were very poor today and he doesn't seem to recognise that, but okay, he's been distracted during the game checking twitter for the O'Neill come back.
Love his comments on Klopp though. Shot across the bow that.
I don't expect him to single players out publicly, but I just want him to say it as it is. If he honestly saw the game like he's just mentioned in his interview then he's worryingly deluded.

If we want a change in attitude in the big games then we need to be saying that's not good enough and being brutally honest, not talking utter bollocks like he just has. I hope he absolutely loses it in the dressing room but based on what I've just seen I'm not convinced.
Mr Koeman found wanting today, tactically and verbally! Hopefully only a blip, but I am starting to worry. Summer transfers will be the key starting with a pretty big clearout?
'Hopefully'... I was thinking the same... but that was one of the main reasons Martinez was criticised. Also if the players, young or not, cant take a bit of criticism/tough love, then I would seriously question if they were the right characters to take us to the next level.
Clearly not.

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