Roberto Martinez Shenanigans: All Reaction Here

How do you feel about the Roberto Martinez hiring?

  • Great hire. He'll do better than Moyes.

    Votes: 65 18.4%
  • Good hire. There were better available.

    Votes: 116 32.9%
  • Meh

    Votes: 59 16.7%
  • Wasn't the worst. Wasn't the best.

    Votes: 96 27.2%
  • We're getting relegated.

    Votes: 17 4.8%

  • Total voters
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It's not the threat of relegation that I fear most (although it's genuinely more of a possibility now imo) but moreso the fact that Martinez just doesn't seem the man to take us forward.

He *may* get us playing better looking football than we did under Moyes, but I can't seem him being as successful in the league. His record is poor. He just ain't a 'winner'.

The last bit isn't exactly true, he has won more trophy wise than his predecessor
Praise the Lord,
Moyes has gone,
Martinez to the rescue,
"I've seen the Promised Land, I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the Promised Land. So I'm happy, tonight. I'm not worried about anything. I'm not fearing any man. Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord"

hahah nice Blues Brothers reference, love Belushi

Praise the Lord,
Moyes has gone,
Martinez to the rescue,
"I've seen the Promised Land, I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the Promised Land. So I'm happy, tonight. I'm not worried about anything. I'm not fearing any man. Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord"

yeah be happy that a manager that had us consistently punching above our weight is being replaced by a guy who just relegated a club as skint as us
I like you, Nigel.

I hope you're right. We will play a nice brand. I have seen nothing to suggest, however, that this will lead to more goals/offensive play. Moyes has given him a boss squad (most importantly, a boss defence) though, something we haven't seen him with yet. It'll be interesting. If we sign some decent players and keep hold of Baines, we can really have a pop at the top 4 next year. My only worry is transfer windows. But here, with Bill at the top, they are of huge importance to our success.

Look mate none of us know until xmas of the first season what we're in for. I get riled about this kopite behaviour sulking about "THEIR" choice not getting picked it's completely detrimental, remember Rafael leaving and kopites demanding Mourinho et al leading to a poisonous attitude regarding managers that virtually ruined the club.

It's cost them millions and they haven't recovered to this day, some are going down that road and need to pull up and give the lad a chance, indeed GET BEHIND HIM - not too much to ask of evertonians is it?

I guess its time to get behind the new guy good luck Roberto.

Martinez oh oh oh
Martinez oh oh oh
He turned down the ****e
And now he's blue and white
Martinez oh oh oh

Rob Martinez is a blue is a blue
Rob Martinez is a blue is a blue
He hates kopites!

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