Roberto Martínez a simple yes or no

Will you have Martínez back?

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That was funny as hell - saved his skin playing pure alehouse football. Send it long to Feli and get on them knockdowns Rom lad.

tbf to the guy at least he changed his tactics, even if it was out of blind panic. Benitez would rather lose 6 nowt and be 'right' then squeak a 1-0 and be 'wrong'.
He knew he was done if he didn't change anything and he did the one thing he could never bring himself to do during two torturous years here and that was play more direct.

And that's the thing though, I wouldn't mind crediting him on being flexible in this instance but we know from experience of league football that he'd never do that here, he would never coach a 'plan b' during training. He knew he would get sacked on his arse if they lost that game so he threw his 'principles' in the bin and put Felli on.

He's such a crap manager.
Never, ever go back! Our finest ever manager came back a second time and crashed and burned. Bobby will liekly have a positive effect on the team, but will eventually fall back into the mindset that got him binned last time.

On an interim basis would be different though. I actually think he could offer enough feel good factor to maybe get the results to keep us up. I just feel we’d be sacking him next winter when these players had us in the bottom 3 again. At a top club with a professional squad Martinez could probably work wonders because playing style wise he’s got it all. This group of players though will run amok with that level of trust and responsibility.

On an interim basis would be different though. I actually think he could offer enough feel good factor to maybe get the results to keep us up. I just feel we’d be sacking him next winter when these players had us in the bottom 3 again. At a top club with a professional squad Martinez could probably work wonders because playing style wise he’s got it all. This group of players though will run amok with that level of trust and responsibility.
lets not bang the players are to blame drum again - I thought you had moved on a bit with your thinking with the potential arrival of Martinez and accepted he is a bad coach, and a con artist. Which he is.
On an interim basis would be different though. I actually think he could offer enough feel good factor to maybe get the results to keep us up. I just feel we’d be sacking him next winter when these players had us in the bottom 3 again. At a top club with a professional squad Martinez could probably work wonders because playing style wise he’s got it all. This group of players though will run amok with that level of trust and responsibility.

I get what you’re saying, but I personally feel It would go the other way.

The fans are key here, and if you go for Roberto, literally nothing will change. We chased Roberto out, we chased Rafael out… why would returning to Roberto help.

The crowd needs picking up and Roberto will just add fuel to the toxicity of our moods at the moment.
If he comes then not much we can do other than hope against hope he has improved and fixed some of his defensive issues. I don't have much hope that he will but I'm fed up with everything being so negative. He gave me some enjoyable moments following the club so it's not impossible it could happen again. Why the club would want to go back down this route I really don't know, but I would support him and I would encourage others to try.

We need to win football matches and constant negativity is wearing everyone down. Regardless of who is appointed, I'm going to try my best to enjoy the fact a liverpool legend will no longer be in our dugout patronising us.
On an interim basis would be different though. I actually think he could offer enough feel good factor to maybe get the results to keep us up. I just feel we’d be sacking him next winter when these players had us in the bottom 3 again. At a top club with a professional squad Martinez could probably work wonders because playing style wise he’s got it all. This group of players though will run amok with that level of trust and responsibility.
Why would we need an interim manager
He would be away with Belgium for international breaks and we need a manager who has one thought only and that us.
He has some of the best players in the world with Belgium and he has won zero with them as well, the football isn't even great to watch.

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