Confirmed Signing Richarlison

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These reported fees when coming from the selling club always are exaggerated, and often include loads of add ons. There’s probably £5 million for champions league, £5 million if he scores 20 goals etc. Things that if achieved would be well worth the money, and are possible but unlikely.

That said, I wish incoming managers didn’t always seem to buy in players from their old clubs. They’re almost never worth it.

Only 21, playing on the wing for Watford, obviously demoralised when Silva left.

The one question I would have is what happens if the season goes teets up and Silva is gone by January. Will he throw his dummy out the pram like he did at Watford?
Good point.

The price quoted is absurd. The club hasn't learned the harsh lesson of last summer, obviously.
Only 21, playing on the wing for Watford, obviously demoralised when Silva left.

The one question I would have is what happens if the season goes teets up and Silva is gone by January. Will he throw his dummy out the pram like he did at Watford?
Good point.

The price quoted is absurd. The club hasn't learned the harsh lesson of last summer, obviously.

£35m or £50m isn't attributable to his value or any these days. It's to " secure the services", which is usually an arbitrary amount. You honestly think ronaldo at 33 was bought for £99m for his talent alone?

Boil your heads and have a think.
Yeah I know. Seems to be really uncool for Everton fans to like Everton players these days. Preaching to the converted here lads, I know.

To be fair it's been difficult to like players these past couple of seasons. When Coleman made his comeback it was one of the only times last season that I was actually in love with a player. Was buzzing for hours after that game.

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