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Just seen our next 7 games lol
I feel Like Bill Murray Here, but i have said it since about Jan, that we needed to be as far away from the bottom 3 as Pos when April came around, with the run in we have, Its going to take a miracle for us to stay up i think, or getting a result no one expects, like winning any game lol
I feel Like Bill Murray Here, but i have said it since about Jan, that we needed to be as far away from the bottom 3 as Pos when April came around, with the run in we have, Its going to take a miracle for us to stay up i think, or getting a result no one expects, like winning any game lol

Yep, gonna need to pull some unexpected wins put the bag aren't we.

The saddest part about this thread is people who could see the inevitable slide were laughed at.

We've always panicked about relegation since Moyes was in charge (he used to turn it around by Xmas), just different levels of worry, so it was fair to dismiss it IMO.

The issue here is the individuals in the squad aren't capable of fighting back. They're still getting drilled that trying to play football will get them out of trouble. Problem is no one has told them they can't play football...
I will never stop being an Evertonian but this squad sicken me. What a waste of money.
3rd highest net spend in the last 5 years. Higher than Liverpool, chelsea, arsenal, spurs etc

And this is what it gets us? It’s surely the worst investment ever in sports history if we get relegated? Walsh, brands etc should never be able to get a job in football again for what they did. Absolutely criminal.

I think I need to stop reading the comments here during games I'm not able to watch. Invariably it seems we are playing a lot worse than we are. I know MotD2 isn't much of a guide but, when neutrals give their view it never seems as bad as knee-jerk comments by passionate fans on GOT
3rd highest net spend in the last 5 years. Higher than Liverpool, chelsea, arsenal, spurs etc

And this is what it gets us? It’s surely the worse investment ever in sports history if we get relegated? Walsh, brands etc should never be able to get a job in football again for what they did. Absolutely criminal.
Yes, I feel the same
Of course. But they're like a wart on the end of your nob. You don't want to tell anyone about it.
I worked in a Department with loads of rs. I was the only Evertonian. I still had plenty of Everton pictures and other memorabilia in my own office. I know it really annoyed them. Glad I have retired now though

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