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Na I think it's more like corporate raiding a profitable company, firing half the workforce, liquidate profitable brands, then sell off the rest of the assets while making millions off of the stock price.

Basically Moshiri is destroying the club for his bottom line.
I hadn't considered that pperspective
The real problem, IMO, is that Board at Everton is continually undermined and overruled by the owner.

DBB, I would be 100% certain, did not want Benitez as nanager.

Nor do I believe for one second Mr. Kenwright did either.

And Marcel Brand, a board nember at the time, most certainly did not.

He was appointed by the only person whose opinion counts….Mr. Farhad Moshiri.

And the whole of Evertonia was appalled.

He does what Kia Joorabchian suggests.

And it would not matter if a new Board was appointed in the morning….it would still be subject to the whims and fancies of an owner who has way more money than football acumen and has a bent agent in his ear.
its not really the replacement that is the worry. It is the manager that replaces Ranieri's replacement in April for the final run in will be the one to be nervous of :)
It’s Sod’s law that Benitez will go there and get them safe at the expense of Everton ?‍♂️

I hadn't considered that pperspective

Na I think it's more like corporate raiding a profitable company, firing half the workforce, liquidate profitable brands, then sell off the rest of the assets while making millions off of the stock price.

Basically Moshiri is destroying the club for his bottom line.
Not sure how trashing his assets value helps him make millions off his shares? He's basically overseeing a hole in the ground that eats cash at the moment.
If anyone is thinking we won't go down. We mightn't. Absolutely don't want to it would be a death knell.

But you're deluded if you're not thinking we can go down. Where's the next win coming from? Nevermind that
where's the next point coming from? Our form is rock bottom. It's like 'that time of the year' when you look
at a team at the bottom saying what they need to stay up, have to win x amount of games. When they've hardly won that all season. This is us! The mentality of the players isn't geared up for the fight and we're easy pickings. Other teams are showing they have the mentality to fight to stay in the league.
If anyone is thinking we won't go down. We mightn't. Absolutely don't want to it would be a death knell.

But you're deluded if you're not thinking we can go down. Where's the next win coming from? Nevermind that
where's the next point coming from? Our form is rock bottom. It's like 'that time of the year' when you look
at a team at the bottom saying what they need to stay up, have to win x amount of games. When they've hardly won that all season. This is us! The mentality of the players isn't geared up for the fight and we're easy pickings. Other teams are showing they have the mentality to fight to stay in the league.
You are right. However, the first half of the season seemed horrendous but if we repeat the same in the second half, points wise, we will be safe. Nothing to be congratulated about but safe and in this hopefully not to be repeated season that would be acceptable

We likely need a slight improvement points wise on the first half of the season to be safe. Judging on the scale of improvement in terms of performance by the manager simply not being Benitez, I'd say a decent appointment will ensure safety.

But really it's going to need a huge clever overhaul to prevent a recurrence next season.
The new manager’s first game being a cup game and not that crucial Newcastle game could work in our favour, hopefully we can get a win and change everyone’s outlook at the club
We are currently in trouble= long run of bad results with no obvious sign of next win

You could say we are in real trouble = long run of bad results as above PLUS good players missing in the above bad run are back but not having the effect we hoped for.
You could make a case for us being in deep, deep trouble = long bad run, saviour players back but bad run continues PLUS sides we hoped would be garbage and help us out are showing signs of improvement
An extremely serious danger will be all the above PLUS attempt at new manager bounce doesn’t work if Dunc can’t get a win or two in the next few games.
Up you know what creek with a paddle = all above but fate is mathematically in own hands
Until we are without the paddle, behind rivals having to get points away of Sky six away including Arsenal away last game managed by an ex player who actually was a player worthy of our traditions who jibbed us off because there was no chance of us playing CL and the bank was pressing us for the money from his transfer.
That is praying for a miracle territory.
Fortunately Gray and Townsend will score a couple of worldies to save our bacon this year and we will live to fight another day!!!
At what point do we admit that we are in trouble,
- when our fate is in the hands of others losing games?
- when its still mathematically possible to stay up but requires a miracle?
Face it, we are in deep trouble... There is not a team in this league that I can safely say we will beat them!
Benitez has killed us. We would have scraped some results this year with James and now Digne in our arsenal. They were both lost for nothing.
I actually think a lot of our problems could be solved just by playing an extra man in the middle. We’ve looked a lot better whenever we’ve played a 3 there. Obviously we’re not going to suddenly be European contenders by playing with 3 but I’m certain we’d be in a much stronger position than we are.

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