2021/22 Rafael Benitez


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Not to this massive extent.
But there comes a point - and I said this last year mate - that you have to look at why the injuries are happening.

It's been 5 weeks since Donnachie left and our injury situation has got worse.

Looks like Townsend in particular is a stress fracture, which comes down to wear and tear. He's looked knackered for weeks. Why was he being flogged - because we do have options for his position (RW) and he wasn't even playing in that position so his impact was neglible.

If Coleman is out, Godfrey or Holgate have to play RB, which means Benitez and Digne need to patch things up because if he keeps him out of the squad then he's only doing damage.


Not to this massive extent.
But that agenda/opinion/bias whatever you want to call it has been there for many the moment the manager was appointed when all clubs were on 0 points.

That's the point though isn't it? It was a unpopular decision given his past and the fact that he just isn't very good as a manager. Many said it was destined to end up like this because of those two undeniable factors.

I imagine if he had a different past and no connection to the RS there would still be many on here livid at the job he's doing. It just isn't good enough. There is plenty to criticize without mentioning his past affiliations.

His cast offs have been some of the better performers this season would’nt you say.. Gray and Townsend.. as for alienating all the best players there only best players when there performing... are you telling me Richarlison was performing against Palace, for me he was starved of good service but never helped himself by not trying to get involved more.. I would go as far as to say his attitude left a lot to be desired to when he came off... all the flapping his arms about and showing how upset he was to come off just set Benitez up to be the fall guy with the fans which they duly swallowed hook line and sinker.. did you notice the first thing he did when he sat on the bench was receive treatment.. this sort of thing players are doing towards managers is why the club is rotten to the core at present, the attitude stinks.. it’s the same with Digne, another player who has performed poorly most of season and because of that doesn’t have a leg to stand on when complaining about being dropped, his attitude leaves a lot to be desired..

I just think fans need to ask themselves a few questions.. no matter which managers come in why is the end result always the same... why do Everton players like picking up obscene amounts of wages but don’t like earning them, these players are answerable to you.. the fans.. if they get beat because they are not good enough fine.. just as long as they put a shift in..

The problem the players have is they have a manager now in charge who simply won’t tolerate freeloaders.. you have all heard from previous players he has managed this man leaves no stone unturned and is the one who turns the light off at night in Finch Farm...he’s a disciplinarian and managers every single aspect from top to bottom at his football club.. let’s be honest.. if any of us had a boss like that it would be a nightmare to work under and that’s why certain players struggle and fall out with him.. having said that it’s good from a fan point of view because you know the manager is working his socks off to get things right and not caring who he upsets doing it..
It just needs time, he knows what he’s doing just allow him to do it with a few transfer windows and let him get his own tactics and own players to perform it... then judge.. don’t judge him on having to work with the previous four managers players..
Horrendous manager. Sunday league level. The only saving grace I see, is that he under performed at LFC, imagine if Klopp had been there with Gerrard et al, they would have won 8 or 9 leagues. Diabolical manager. (Shudders at the ineptitude).

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