2021/22 Rafael Benitez


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We were fine when everyone was fit earlier in the season…..
I and others gave credit where its due after some, OK, performances, in all honesty tho, it was spells in a game, not a consistent 90, not fully in control and had times when it could have gone against. The signs were there even with a fit squad that all wasn't right.

Without those results against Burnley etc we would be firmly planted in bottom three. So yes we were OK, we were not solid in of those games.

We all said bring on the so called top 6 and things would be different and here we are.

Yes we have had the injuries to contend with but that needs to be managed at ALL teams and he has shown that isn't his forte.

He set us up wrong last few games, sitting 3-5 yards off against Brentford was bad enough but that midfield set up last night was quite simply abysmal.

We are in trouble, so at what point do you acknowledge that and address it, firmly entrenched in bottom 3 or before it gets there?

Foe me, well before is the answer.

We are a mess and I believe it's beyond him to sort it.
Yep, again, I agree to an extent, however, injuries were to every key player and no squad depth at all means I will reserve judgement until he’s had a fair crack of the whip
I repeat I do not want him as my manager but he is and I will give him the benefit of the doubt
Yeah pretty much the same boat as me but 2 points out of 24 is shocking and enough benefit of the doubt for me.

I find in football that a lot of what you see is what you end up getting, I felt it was a disastrous appointment in the first place and not just the results, but the performances over the past ten or so games have done nothing to change my opinion on that.

I don't hate him (much) I just think he is a terrible fit and it will never work out for him or us here.

How do you work that one out when Rafael personally phoned and text Gray, asking him to move to Everton. Its been said that Rafael has been keeping tabs on him for 4 years, wanted to sign him for Newcastle.

Oh look Rafael makes a fantastic signing, we can't give him credit though.

This is completely untrue I'm afraid mate.

Gray was 100% Brands. He was scouting Leverkusen all last season and identified him as a good ball carrier.

The Benitez signings this summer were Lonergan, Begovic, Rondon & Townsend. 3 awful players and one average one. Continuing his woeful record in recruitment.

We have had, and still have, our best striker and defender out (hence the scoring and defending issue. We will not know until a run with best players fit for a period of time and maybe a couple in. Judging anyone with the squad the way has been is just daft.
So if we lose Mina and DCL to season ending injuries we should just accept relegation?
oh, it's the board 100%. Switching managers like socks is a recipe for disaster. The squad is a disjointed mess and there aren't the funds to fix it. But we're in that cycle now and stopping at Rafael is a bad idea. He doesn't have what it takes to rebuild and he's likely to get us relegated.
I think another manager stands a better chance.

Here‘s a thought ….

Allow Benitez to carry on .. we get relegated. Him sacked, a young up and coming manager appointed. Club resets in the Championship

Or drop like Stoke.

ha. And you blame the manager for these gobshites? He's got to sweet talk them as much as he can, and then boot them as far as he can once we get to a proper window
He won’t get a proper window, it’s just as well because he would sign players to suit his Jurassic football and then, when he is sacked, we would have more useless crap, who are no use to a new manager. Giving this manager a window would be reckless.

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