our defence, is neville the weak link

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Everyone needs a scapegoat

you know your stuff Matt, so is it you cant be bothered with a proper reason or what? i started this thread to be hopefully put right as to my blind spot concerning nevilles worth as a regular starter. some members criticise coleman which is laughable considering his amazing short career in the epl
I like Neville and i think he is doing a fine job, and without him this season we would have conceded many more goals, Coleman cant defend as well as Neville.

Just watched the extended highlights on Everton TV and I don't think he's as bad as people are making out. Some of his crosses were on the money, more than weren't. Adams goal if you check Heitinga kept them onside and Distin lost the ball in their half. As for not supporting Coleman I think we all agree the weakest part of Coleman's game is his defensive duties but I think Neville gives him the opportunity to go forward.
But hey lets blame Howard for the 1st goal front post it should have been his or was it Baines fault for not clearing it off the line or Distin for conceding the free kick on the edge of the box that cost the corner. The 2nd goal was that again Heitinga's fault for pulling out of the tackle or Coleman's for a sh*t back pass into trouble or Howard's for hiding in the net.

But we could go on and analyse the bo**ocks off it but it was Neville's because it he had chosen to attack the Park End 1st half. I agree with Mr Damon easy scapegoat.
depends on the day. sometimes he's solid for 90min, other days he has a few nightmare passes/plays.

i have noticed that bily needs to work on his closing down on the left side. when the opposition has the ball going forward on the left, he tends to just float between the man with the ball and the available passes - giving him way to much time to think, and leaving leighton stranded. i forget which match, but i was yelling at the screen the entire half "CLOSE HIM DOWN BILY" and it finally ended up costing us a goal.

coleman on the other hand, gets back often and is great pressuring the ball. i do love me some coleman.
As a unit we're not defending well enough. We're jogging back rather than sprinting, not communicating as well as we can, not closing down well enough and generally being sloppy. We need to be more focussed and on our toes. You can't put that on just one player.

Defensively all season I've noticed us getting killed on the left side alot more than the right side. Does that mean that Baines is lousy too?
jagielka has been far poorer this season then neville, and for me i thought our defense was more diciplined after he came back from injury. i agree i would like to see him as more of a squad player next season with maybe coleman starting at rb, but atm when it comes to keeping players like Bale and Malouda in check there are few i would trust more than neville.

once he does hang up his boots, i would like for him to stay with the team and assistant manage or manage the defence.
Just watched the extended highlights on Everton TV and I don't think he's as bad as people are making out. Some of his crosses were on the money, more than weren't. Adams goal if you check Heitinga kept them onside and Distin lost the ball in their half. As for not supporting Coleman I think we all agree the weakest part of Coleman's game is his defensive duties but I think Neville gives him the opportunity to go forward.
But hey lets blame Howard for the 1st goal front post it should have been his or was it Baines fault for not clearing it off the line or Distin for conceding the free kick on the edge of the box that cost the corner. The 2nd goal was that again Heitinga's fault for pulling out of the tackle or Coleman's for a sh*t back pass into trouble or Howard's for hiding in the net.

But we could go on and analyse the bo**ocks off it but it was Neville's because it he had chosen to attack the Park End 1st half. I agree with Mr Damon easy scapegoat.

its not about who was poor in the one game. nev has been awful for years imo. scapegoat ha dont make me laugh, this is an Everton player we are talking about ie. someone we can see perform with our own eyes - if you want a scapegoat get out clause go and read some Bill Kenwright threads for a bit of scapegoating/speculation/guesswork etc etc
He was of value when he first arrived buit time and age have moved on. He is our version of Liverpool's Carragher. I think his days as a first choice player are over. As to replace him, cannot be helped but move Coleman back.
its not about who was poor in the one game. nev has been awful for years imo. scapegoat ha dont make me laugh, this is an Everton player we are talking about ie. someone we can see perform with our own eyes - if you want a scapegoat get out clause go and read some Bill Kenwright threads for a bit of scapegoating/speculation/guesswork etc etc

Everyone's entightled to their opinion even when it's wrong.

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