New Everton Stadium Discussion

I haven't been to the site so not sure how it looks in person but it doesn't seem that unsightly. Are you just getting put off by the idea that its a waste water treatment plant, would it bother you that much is they were just warehouses? I'd be more concerned if there was actually a smell but visually it doesn't seem too bad, the stadium is in an industrial area.
No, just from a visual perspective.

If it was a warehouse then there's be less of an issue than a reflective industrial site.

3 Apr 2018 at St Luke's with Dan Meis, anyone else go to these workshops?
Looks pretty big to me looking at that video. When you start adding floors to it, it should stand up to being a museum (albeit probably closed on a match day).
Leave it single floor and have it house all of our trophies from the last 25 years! No need to have space concerns then. :(

Seriously though, really interested in seeing what the club does with it. It's buildings like this that will make our stadium and the site itself extremely unique. This, the wall, the waterfront, just brilliant.

I originally posted this in Feb 2021
I have 5 grandkids, three of them have already been to Goodison. The race is on now to take the other two. They can look forward to a lifetime of Bramley Moore, but I want them all to be able to say "I watched Everton at Goodison Park" ;)
Guess who's just dropped on for two tickets for the family enclosure this Saturday? ? Grandson No. 4 is very, VERY excited. :dance:
