New Everton Stadium Discussion

Seen the Esk post on twitter yesterday that the stadium is due to be completed at the end of 2023. Not sure where he's got that from but I haven't seen anything anywhere else that states a completion date before Summer 2024.

It's expected to be ready at some point during 23/24 but we're unlikely to move mid season.
Media seem to brushing over the Asov element, convenient for Zelensky. Agreed.

Not so sure how quickly peace will prevail tho.

The perfect storm gathering over Goodison may not be over just yet though.
I agree. However, I dont think the raft of news stories dragging EFC into the firing line by 'investigative journalists' (opportunist cowards) that we've seen in the last few weeks will persist now.

Yes they did. The sanction-happy UK Government thrashing about and using its tools in the media to mark Everton's card for it. the same time as their number are profiting from businesses in Russia.

Its a Merican company, listed on the NYSE, founded 40 years ago with about £200.
I've said before that this whole sanctions thing is a piss take. Our future's had the skids put under it and the funding for the stadium is at a critical juncture - while that 'kin lot who put the skids under us profit from business as usual with Putin's Russia.

I'd also repost this from this morning by Graham Le Saux - which applies to us too:

“The government felt the need to sanction oligarchs but I don’t think they have the first clue about the impact on fans and on everyone that works at the club, from players to the coaching staff to the backroom employees,” says Le Saux.
People are very quick to stick the boot in when something goes wrong – that’s part of the ‘banter’ of football. So I’m not surprised some Chelsea fans feel confused by this. It’s not about them being the victim; there are people being shelled, this is not about football fans. But they have woken up from one day to the next with the club they have supported for however many years in complete turmoil."

That's as maybe...

Tis. That said, whilst I dont share your "the world wants to cripple EFC" view, and it seems the build is still progressing, these are worrying times, ground/sponsor wise.

IIRC, ages and ages ago, we shared a convo about the mechanics of commercial property finance etc etc, and I said sommet along the lines of that investors/financers will consider all the systematic risks to their capital. Well, this situation is an unsystematic one.

At best it creates uncertainty and chewed nails. At worst, well, lets see.

The tory party? Hypocritical leeches who only serve their own interests?

This isnt breaking news Dave.
I know...but this is breathtaking in it's sheer brassneckery.

How are Chelsea fans and Everton fans supposed to swallow the BS from this government and its lackies who propgagte for it in the media about football clubs and oligarchs when they have their noses right up Putin's arse and it's business as usual for them?

We're on the brink here, but it's another day at the feeding trough for them.
