Most likeable supporter.

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Question: How do know if someone has been to Everest base camp?
Answer: Within 5 minutes of meeting you, they'll tell you

Question: How can you tell if someone has sumitted Everest?
Answer: You can't, we don't go on about it!

Answer: You can't, we don't go on about it!

You just have
Some have lol
He has

Answer: You can't, we don't go on about it!

You just have
In the words of George Bernard Shaw,
Those who can, do.
Those who can't, teach.
Those who can do neither, preach. Just look at all the ex TRS spouting in the media. If they are that good, why don't they become managers?
Which leads to the conclusion, the gifted do not blow their knows in public. ( The spelling of 'knows' is the salient point)
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