Merry Christmas

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A very merry Christmas to you all. I hope you all get what you want.

I hope Santa sh!tes down kenwrights chimney and Rudolf kicks his stones hard enough to give him a spare pair of tonsils.

I also hope that Santa sprinkles some magic dust over our players (except DCL who would suffer a concussion) and they perform like prime Brazil in the second half of the season.

Have a great Christmas everyone ????

We had a small fire recently. (2 months or so back)

The female of this house left a pan of some kind of stew on and got distracted. (I was out at the time)

When I came home the stench was unmistakable. Luckily the kitchen door was closed or the smoke would have gone through the house. The pan with her whatever in was basically just ashes, it had caught fire and even set fire to the aluminum filters in the extractor hood above which then merrily burnt through months of grease and dripped down onto the cooker. The only remaining flame when I entered was a little flicker which later turned out to be the motor from the extractor hood. It just gave up and fell down onto the cooker.

Luckily, aside from the hood it was in the main superficial smoke damage. Wash the cabinets down, remove the aluminum ceiling tiles to rub with alcohol and repain the gypsum around the edge. Job done.

I still can't figure out how she couldn't smell it when she was upstairs. Not only that, totally forgot she was cooking!

So yeah, I'm in the kitchen tomorrow. She can't be trusted with it.
I deliberate plot me thinks, to get you back in the kitchen?!

Either way, have a good one tomorrow


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