2021/22 Mason Holgate

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@Bluerover liked your post...which shows youre wrong on every level.

A good Coleman performance is like white dog dirt...

Have to wonder why Benitez elected to single out Digne rather than targeting the faux Captain.

The only thing of note he does is argue with the fans at the end of games these days.

I hope Keane, Coleman, Kenny, Mina and Holgate are all moved on very quickly and Benitez quickly builds a new defence.
I think obviously Kenny goes, Mina and Holgate. Coleman will stay another season I’d imagine and Keane as well, unless we get a decent offer for him.

But yes the defence is going to change a lot in the next 12-18 months
Lol you loosing the plot, that was two seasons before, he went off to West Brom season after Firminio incident then he had that good spell of about 10 games during the Ferguson/Ancolloti crossover
Streuth! I am not doing too well here am I. Perhaps I should quit while I'm behind.
Anyroadup @Littlesue, thanks (again) for the heads up and trust you enjoy the rest of the break without having to correct my history.
But, back on topic, do I deduce he was never really consistently that good, apart from that 10 game spell? 10 games over the amount of seasons he has been at Everton is really not that great is it. Is he another of those players we keep for far too long without them showing real progress. Just what the hell do our coaches do? No, me neither.

Take care and stay safe.
Streuth! I am not doing too well here am I. Perhaps I should quit while I'm behind.
Anyroadup @Littlesue, thanks (again) for the heads up and trust you enjoy the rest of the break without having to correct my history.
But, back on topic, do I deduce he was never really consistently that good, apart from that 10 game spell? 10 games over the amount of seasons he has been at Everton is really not that great is it. Is he another of those players we keep for far too long without them showing real progress. Just what the hell do our coaches do? No, me neither.

Take care and stay safe.
Lol no worries, I'm probably older than you so know all about memory lapses
If we can get anything for this lad he should be gone. I think he got his chance here because we were hoping his trajectory would be similar to that of Stones and we were soon disappointed.

As soon as he DID show something resembling a run of form it went to his head and these days he looks more concerned with swaggering about and trying to act hard.

A proper no-mark of a player.
If we can get anything for this lad he should be gone. I think he got his chance here because we were hoping his trajectory would be similar to that of Stones and we were soon disappointed.

As soon as he DID show something resembling a run of form it went to his head and these days he looks more concerned with swaggering about and trying to act hard.

A proper no-mark of a player.

Same. Won players player of the year at CB and looked a class act...more so than Keane in that position.

Then I think the fact he then started to play predominantly at RB than CB, then having stinkers at CB when given the chance...not able to create a partnership, he then started having stinkers at RB.

He's gradually gone backwards, think he's probably not happy being seen as a back up RB. He's 25 and should really be playing in one position regularly by now...so will need to move on for his own sake.

Come on Newcastle £20m please.
With their money they will want better, probably some mid table Championship side like Blackburn or Sheffield Utd would suit him, he could still live in Manchester, trouble would be is wages, he would have to settle for 14 grand a week instead of 64 which he not gonna do

Mason Holgate is a weird one. One minute he's playing a terrible ball across the front of our defence that could've easily let the Brighton attack in on goal, the next he's making a brilliant tackle to deny Maupay(?). If the lad could get his head together and focus on his game he could do a decent job for us. Thing is, he's not a 19 year old, he's 25 now and should really be settled in.

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