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I'm a bit sick of the abbreviation ITK, and it's applied too liberally. Genuine ITK's like Greg O'Keefe should keep their lofty status, but THT and LCAB are to be relegated to:


PWICKS. That way we can seperate well informed intel from groundless speculation.

eg. "I heard from THT that we're getting Oxlade-Chamberlain on a 5 year, but don't get your hopes up, they're just PWICKs.

Currently Unknown News Typers.
@Groucho @roydo Can we get a special twitter three strikes policy please? Strike one - fair enough we'll let you off with only a mild negging. Strike two they get something like TWIT added after their username, and strike three they get banned?

Perhaps I'm being too punitive but it'd certainly help the place not go into meltdown.

If you want to watch every single post, yeah, no problem.

Wasn't it last week when the news broke on twitter about Barkley and it seems that Lukaku has taken a knock but luckily not enough to put him out but their was still some truth in it.
LADS TAKE THIS WITH A PINCH OF SALT BUT I heard that the groundsman's step father's sister's pet rabbit's owner's mate heard that one of his mate's mates told some fella that he'd been told by his boss' wife's son that Lukaku done his brain in in training and needs to have a transplant which is happening tomorrow. Touch and go whether he makes it.
I don't want to alarm anyone but I've heard that lukaku has been having dizzy spells and they are going to have to amputate his head as a precaution. I read it on twitter so it must be true.

You think that's bad, I read it on here, and it only gets this far if its been stringently tested..

O'Keefe is saying that its not as bad as it first seems though, and that they can glue his head back on, Lukaku knows nothing about it, and Martinez is saying he starts tomorrow but his beheading was phenomenal, there is DNA everywhere and that the kids can learn a lot from him and his attitude in overcoming this and making himself available for such a big game, so soon after being separated from his own head.
LADS TAKE THIS WITH A PINCH OF SALT BUT I heard that the groundsman's step father's sister's pet rabbit's owner's mate heard that one of his mate's mates told some fella that he'd been told by his boss' wife's son that Lukaku done his brain in in training and needs to have a transplant which is happening tomorrow. Touch and go whether he makes it.

Seems feasible to me... Damn it, why us????

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