Lucas Neil

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well its been mentioned a few times in the press over in aus iam not sure on the move but nev is a long term so i suspose he better than no one

For some reason, I hate him with a passion, not sure why, but I really, really, really hate him.

Decent enough player I suppose, but should have the squad number ££ and the name Mercenary on his back.
Really?! Why? He wound down his contract because he wasnt offered a new one before Zola came in and thought sod ya Im nort needed ill look at my options.

Is he better than Hibbert- Yes. Improved squad straight away.

Didnt say it was a bad move, just have a huge dislike for him, maybe its that stupid goatee he had or has.

Was on 80k at West Ham! Christ no wonder they're in the [Poor language removed] financially. He's on 40k here now apparantly...dunno what to make of that apart from Pienaar will be wanting a shed load to extend his contract the way things are going.
We've got faaaar to many defenders now LoL

with moyes in charge we can never have too many defenders! Forget the revolutionary 6 4 0, we may soon see the debut of 9 1 1!
Joking aside though, i dont like the guy, he is a thug but we do need a hard tackler in our team and he is a decent premier league level defender and good mates with cahill so as long as his wages aint too high which it doesnt seem they are on a free its a signing we have to make.
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I dont see how we have too many defenders, we have only a few fit 1s at the moment. Distin is CB and LB cover, Heitinga will probably play in Midfield due to Nevilles injury, so that leaves Hibbert and Neil to fight it out for the RB spot. Yobo will play CB, so where are the spare defenders?
I dont see how we have too many defenders, we have only a few fit 1s at the moment. Distin is CB and LB cover, Heitinga will probably play in Midfield due to Nevilles injury, so that leaves Hibbert and Neil to fight it out for the RB spot. Yobo will play CB, so where are the spare defenders?

i wonder who will win that battle:D

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