January 2019 Transfer Window

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Come on Dave, any old excuse to have a pop at Moshiri ZZZZzzzzzzzz it's rather tiresome now.

The man has loaned to the club and invested more heavily than the charlatans who ran the show for 20 years before he arrived,

If he is guilty of anything it is bad judgement recruitment of managers. He has to put a certain amount of trust in the people he employs, otherwise what is the point in employing them. At the end of the day, they have bought badly and let him down.

Have you still got your knickers in a twist because he got rid of your spanish man crush? its 3 years down the line now mate, don't be so bitter.
Dave has to have a hate figure at the club. Koeman left, he likes Silva (he might even go full Martinez on him - fingers crossed) so the "carpet bagger" theme is back. Standard.
What's your solution then?

We can't increase match day revenue, we will struggle to increase commerical revenue... so other than selling or loaning players to take them off the wage bill what is the magical answer you have?
The only solution is for Moshiri to sell up and leave and we get a major financial backer in. Is that likely? No. But that's another story.
No offense, but it seems pretty obvious that you don’t know what he bought, nor do you know how to read a financial report. We have audited financials. It’s all there. And that’s fine that you aren’t a financial professional, but not sure why you continue to have such a strong opinion about it.
I dont have to be a meteorologist to know that it's a lie if someone pisses down the back of my legs and tells me it's raining.

Dont hide behind appeals to your own authority on financial acumen. We have a club CLEARLY hunkering down in terms of spending.
What id be interested to know is if the increase in spending and wages has increased consistently across the board for the whole PL.

I’d be inclined to think that our spending has increased more relative to the rest of the PL.
...because other clubs our size didn't have £200M of player sales to throw at wages.

The only solution is for Moshiri to sell up and leave and we get a major financial backer in. Is that likely? No. But that's another story.

How would that possible make a difference to our revenue streams and the ability to increase wage spending?
Football clubs aren't normal businesses. If you cant shift the dial, dont set yourself up as an owner who will make that difference.

Modern day football = Normal business

He is making a difference, can you imagine where we would be now if he wasn't involved. The guy has done more than enough thus far.
I dont have to be a meteorologist to know that it's a lie if someone pisses down the back of my legs and tells me it's raining.

Dont hide behind appeals to your own authority on financial acumen. We have a club CLEARLY hunkering down in terms of spending.
Terrible example.

The actual example is that you don’t know anything about finance and anyone that does can tell in about five seconds. Which is fine, but you are expressing opinions based on your feeling and hunches about stuff that have sustantive facts behind them. Your mischaracterization of Moshiri’s investment in the club is pathetic.

Look, we are trying to cut the wage bill. That’s fine. It’s a fine debate. If you think that makes his a carpetbagger, fine.

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