January 2018 transfer window thread.

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Our football (and specially team who aren't Boca or River) is characterized for selling cheap.

the rumors here say he could leave in the middle of 2018 for about 12,000,000 (dollars).

I think that is not expensive considering the quality of Martinez.

Atletico a few years ago signed vietto (also from Racing) for a similar amount... and, as a Racing fan, i can tell you that Martinez is by far a best player than him.

He reminds me of Aguero; short but tough.
He was good yesterday. Scored one, made one. He's strong too - maybe not like Rom but he certainly brushed a couple of Foxes aside!
I'm not saying sign him as we can and should be looking at better, but choices are severely limited during the January window and we could do a lot worse. At least he wouldn't need the rest of the season to 'settle'
i'd be happy with a pacey, strong centre back and a brilliant target man in jan. I think left back can wait until the summer tbh, but i don't like this talk of the squad being too big. We want to be regular european competitors and i think with our home grown quota and youth team starlets, that's not really an issue. About 2 or 3 aren't needed imo, but by the end of the summer i think our squad will look something like:

New GK

Right Backs

Centre Backs
New CB
New CB

Left Backs
New LB

Defensive/Centre Mids

Right Mid's

Left Mid's

New ST
New ST


When we look at that, we'll be losing robles and barkley because of their contracts and you'd think that mirallas, mccarthy and jagielka will be moved on (one of him or williams, rather than both, hopefully). That leaves us with a squad of 30 which i don't think is too much, especially give the amount of youth. Players like lennon and niasse have no real sell value and i think are useful to keep around the squad for that reason. We could possibly do with another top wide player if we're willing to let mirallas go, but i'd rather see how bolasie comes back and how the young wingers start developing first. That list of centre mids and DM's could possibly do with another addition, but overall i think that's a good core of 30 players. I don't agree with shouts of mass overhauls, we've had to do it for the last few years now, so we need a tad bit of stability, which is why senior players like williams, baines, lennon etc can be maintained and as fringe players.​

What happens when 4 of the 6 centre backs want to play? Or 4 of the defensive midfielders...5 of the wide midfielders or 3 of the forwards?

Do we just tell them "sorry lads weve got a massive squad and were keeping you so you'll be unhappy"


French Defender I've never heard of.

Id be happy with that tbh, even Benteke because Sam has worked with him before and got the best out of him.

There's going to be a lot of competition for any strikers that are available, from teams in and around the relegation places, which could in turn push prices to silly levels.

Expect the likes of Stoke, Newcastle etc to distort the market, due to panic stations.
Our football (and specially team who aren't Boca or River) is characterized for selling cheap.

the rumors here say he could leave in the middle of 2018 for about 12,000,000 (dollars).

I think that is not expensive considering the quality of Martinez.

Atletico a few years ago signed vietto (also from Racing) for a similar amount... and, as a Racing fan, i can tell you that Martinez is by far a best player than him.

hes not lightweight like vietto or the other striker they signed whose name ive forgotten...

But if the player has a choice he will choose Atletico.

The Palace player you are most likely to end up with is Van Arnholt. BFS likes him and got the best out of him at S'land and Palace. Currently sulking behind Sclupp in our squad.
Bad apple, good riddance.
Chilwell Has been hyped for years and is now finally first choice left back for them. He's only 3 months older than Kenny and how much would we sell Kenny for? Well, we wouldn't sell him...perhaps its the 'romantic' in me but I would really like it if we had 4 English international defenders in front of Pickford...Kenny and Holgate have a fair chance of caps if they keep improving + Keane has already been capped. I think the age of Chilwell, Tierney and also Aaron Martin (linked yesterday) is ideal as it adds to our group of 20ish year olds. Would like Sessegnon though :) Sessegnon is interesting as he can play LB or LM but seems to have everything really, looks like being a very good wing back in future.

Keane I had hardly seen him (or paid attention) when we were being linked 12months ago. I caught a couple of his games and he looked solid if unspectacular but assumed that was just because of how deep Burnleys defence was sat. People have posted that hes quite fast and very good in the air, ive not seen much evidence of anything...however Allardyce will suss him out and he'll either be starting or sold by the end of the season. I hope he forms a good partnership with Holgate myself.

Martinez is the next big thing to come out of South America. Recently Atletico signed a couple of others from down there but theyre quite lightweight...this guy is strong and is going to be the next superstar to develop at that club. I don't think we have much chance of signing him,

But if we were selling Kenny we wouldn't be flogging him for 40m would we and the only difference between Kenny and Chilwell is Chilwell has played about 35 more first team games.

He's constantly out of positon, is never aware of what's behind him or where others are so gets caught out loads of times @Eggs mentioned it loads during the world cup becsuse it was blatantly happening every game and I've seen the same type of performances for Leicester.

Only cos he's English and young doesn't mean you spunk 40m big ones. There must be better out there for around the 12-15m mark, we simply won't have the money to be spending 40m on full backs imo
The Palace player you are most likely to end up with is Van Arnholt. BFS likes him and got the best out of him at S'land and Palace. Currently sulking behind Sclupp in our squad.
Bad apple, good riddance.

I'd be devastated if we get him, every time I've seen him he's looked half asleep. A couple of his performances at Sunderland were disgraceful.

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