Jack Rodwell - Potentially World Class?

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Devils advocate here but is the common conception that the lad is a 'wonderkid' and the next big England star a bit over the top?

To add any substance you'd expect to answer yes to a few of the below;

Does he have any outstanding attributes? - What are they?

Has he ever looked capable of taking control of a game or turning one on its head? - When?

Does he have a presence on the field?

Where is his natural position? Some mutter centre half? Is he box to box? Defensive midfield? Attacking midfield?

Will he command a starting place next season? Ahead of Arteta/Fellaini/Cahill?

Moyes has today said 17-year-old Ross Barkley would have featured this season if it wasn't for his injury. What does that mean for Rodwell?

At 20 years of age What do we have on our hands here? The next Michael Carrick or the next Steven Gerrard?

I can't make up my mind. I've never been so indecisive in my judgement on a player. I'm not convinced with the hype. He looks assured enough in possession but very rarely looks comfortable/confident/willing enough to make it count...

From the performances you have seen, would you consider him capable of being 'World Class'?

He's shown lapses in concentration several times and he doesn't get tight enough in midfield backing off too much.

His strength is running into space with the ball where his long stride makes him dangerous.

He's far from the finished article.

Not sure if he's lost focus due to his injuries this season. Might be a cause of the concentration lapses.
My main issue is that he's now 20, and we still have no idea what his preferred position is. That's just no good.

He is looking a bit like a Jack of all trades (pun accidental, but I'm high fiving myself nonetheless) and I can't see him usurping anyone in the first team, unless injuries to others allow him to.

I think he has all the tools physically, plus his intelligence on the pitch is good, but he's yet to convince regularly.

Next season is the big one for him. I think no matter what he's going to be a "good" player, but I don't know whether he'll be "great".
I'm not convinced he's world class, but he can be a top Premier League midfielder for a CL club. The question mark I have over him is temperament. To dictate a game you need to have a lot of confidence in your own ability. I dont think he exudes the type of self belief you see in others. Even Joey Barton knows he is a cut above most MF's and works that for all it's worth.
The decider for me was the Fulham game at home...

Put in the middle with Neville holding; Now, Phil Neville is many things, an attack minded midfield dominator he is not, this should have gave Rodders the perfect opportunity to show us what he's about, instead he was utterly anonymous all night, apart from one surging run which resulted in a free kick.

Wilshere stood up and even out-did Xavi and Iniesta in the first leg of the Arsenal-Barca tie, alongside putting in many more impressive performances throughout the season; I know he plays pretty much week in week out, but Rodwell is either injured with a "knock" or rightfully not in the place of Fellaini or an (on form) Arteta, meaning he ain't getting this kind of exposure.

If the press is to be believed and Utd plan on spending something like £20m on him I would jump at the chance; lets face it, even if he was an Everton starter lighting the premiership on fire, a team like Utd would royally have a go somewhere down the line, especially considering that their centre-midfield is utterly woeful.

I like Jack a alot, but him over Fellaini should be flogged, if we are to get in that kind of predicament.
Let's just say he hasn't come on as much, as a lot of us thought he would have by now...

He appears to be a pretty big unit and nippy, which helps. He's no Huddlestone. Therefore he's not a one trick pony. He can run with a ball, he also looks happy playing the holding role. Again, maybe the fact he's not playing more is because he hasn't got one particular role though...

He also appears to be as comfortable on his left as he is with his right, which is nice to see. May not win you games mind, but it is something of a bonus. It's a shame he's taken a few injuries when he has, otherwise I think he would have really pushed on a bit more this season

He has scored some pretty nice goals too, couple of belters in Europe and that goal against Man Utd, so his career thus far hasn't been bad. So, World Class? Potentially yes, more so than Coleman for example, who's just been a contender for player of the year, but he really does have to shine next season. He's sadly also no Wilshere at the moment, who I would probably say is already World Class

I'm just hoping he blossoms a la Beckham - from 22 onwards
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I can't see why anyone would want him to be potentially wolrd class. That just means he'll potentially be off. Wouldn't it be better if he could be as good as Arteta has been, in a couple of years and stay with Everton? I've seen no sign of him being world class. I think the idea comes from him breaking inot the 1st team at a young age. But there is clearly no particuarly special talent there. Some pretty average players had achieved more than he has by the age of 20 (ie Jenas and Carrick). He can be a really good player, possibly and England player, but not world class. Players like Xavi weren't great at his age, but the nautral technical ability was clealry there. Rodwell isn't even in the top3 of his age group in England in my opinion. And I can't see England producing 3 or 4 world class players all of the same age.

What I don't see is this central defender he is supposed to be, he doesn't seem a good tackler, he is average in the air and his positioning is okay. I just don't see him ever being in that position. As a midfielder he has all the tools to be a very good central midfielder, he can move quickly, pass well and drive forward, we don't see much of it but he can shoot and cross too. The issue with him so far is consistency, I expected this year to be his year and it is a shame that it hasn't panned out that way.
I think age is on his side, and he is unlike any other player we have.

I call world class, he has potential, which is more than others have.
I think he has a lot of potential but lacks experience, especially in the final third. He's very smooth and assured on the ball and can take on defenders but a lot of times he looks completely unsure of what to do next. His passing is adequate but not very adventurous. He's mostly passing side to side. He's got a good long shot and confidence in taking it. He's decent in the air and could use some training sessions with Tim to perfect his positioning and accuracy. His tackling is pretty good but, as someone else said, he tends to back off a little too much. He's got a great body type for winning 50-50 balls but lacks the aggression and can lose out to the more ferocious players in the Premier League. His work level can fade at times and he doesn't seem to have that Pip-level tenacity in his makeup.

When I watch Rodders, I can easily see a great player in there but he's still got a long ways to go. It's up to him and his health whether or not he can fulfill his potential. He's got to really want it.

Right now I'd say his best position is central midfield or defensive midfield. He's not ready for the advanced midfield position yet.
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