2023/24 Idrissa Gueye

Can do his job, to a satisfactory and sometimes quite outstanding manner. But when the midfield goes awol tries to do to much and negates his natural game and is bypassed. Also hindered by so few leading line options, oppositions defences stepping up because we've no striker lets their midfield press ours much deeper in our half squashing the space and cramping his style, this squash takes time off other midfielders who make bad decisions at the best of times let alone the worst of.
Can do his job, to a satisfactory and sometimes quite outstanding manner. But when the midfield goes awol tries to do to much and negates his natural game and is bypassed. Also hindered by so few leading line options, oppositions defences stepping up because we've no striker lets their midfield press ours much deeper in our half squashing the space and cramping his style, this squash takes time off other midfielders who make bad decisions at the best of times let alone the worst of.
He IS the midfield going AWOL. Always has been, in both spells.

People say hes the best DM etc. Ive never known a team who concede so much space in front of their Defence as much as we do, often unchallenged. Its like playing with ghosts. He has absolutely no positional sense, and gets caught out of position so many times. He chases every ball like a man posessed, but why people think thats a good thing, ill never know. He gets suckered in and teams exploit it time and again.

In the past, he's been able to cover some of it with his work rate, but its still been a persistent problem since he was 1st here 7 years ago. Understandably, that has only gotten worse with age. And on top of this, his ability on the ball is bang average at best, and that's being kind. His passing is atrocious. And dont come at me with stats, ive seen them. A completed pass only tells half the story. If a player has to stop and run back 5 yards to retrieve it, it shouldn't count.

The regularity that people give him MOTM awards, sometimes i feel like im going insane. They obviously aren't watching the same games as i am.

P. S. The rest of the midfield doesnt exactly fill me confidence either by the way, but at least with them there's always that glimmer of hope they might do something, like score, or accurately pass to a man in space.
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He IS the midfield going AWOL. Always has been, in both spells.

People say hes the best DM etc. Ive never known a team who concede so much space in front of their Defence as much as we do, often unchallenged. Its like playing with ghosts. He has absolutely no positional sense, and gets caught out of position so many times. He chases every ball like a man posessed, but why people think thats a good thing, ill never know. He gets suckered in and teams exploit it time and again.

In the past, he's been able to cover some of it with his work rate, but its still been a persistent problem since he was 1st here 7 years ago. Understandably, that has only gotten worse with age. And on top of this, his ability on the ball is bang average at best, and that's being kind. His passing is atrocious. And dont come at me with stats, ive seen them. A completed pass only tells half the story. If a player has to stop and run back 5 yards to retrieve it, it shouldn't count.

The regularity that people give him MOTM awards, sometimes i feel like im going insane. They obviously aren't watching the same games as i am.

P. S. The rest of the midfield doesnt exactly fill me confidence either by the way, but at least with them there's always that glimmer of hope they might do something, like score, or accurately pass to a man in space.
It's almost like a photographic negative to my post. Some fine work.

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