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You'd think Hibbert had killed their family pet, the way they keep harping on.
Some whoppers need a hate figure, Hibbo and Ossie have satisfied their need in the last few years, with Naismith jumping the queue briefly.

Once they both retire they'll find some other first team regular to slate on a weekly basis. Sad, but it's always been the same.
He's not good enough for the right back spot.

Browning is much better.

Its as simple as that.
Pipe down Damon, if he'd have picked young Browning from the off and the lad had made an error it could have destroyed him. Instead he went for the experienced option and he did fine, and once he tired he gave the young lad a chance to prove a point
Some whoppers need a hate figure, Hibbo and Ossie have satisfied their need in the last few years, with Naismith jumping the queue briefly.

Once they both retire they'll find some other first team regular to slate on a weekly basis. Sad, but it's always been the same.

Back in the 70s it was dear old Mick Lyons they picked on.

They used to call him "Jonah".

Great plan.....we should indeed use the Anfield derby and the trip to OT as opportunities for a rookie full back with zero EPL minutes to "be getting experience into".

You couldn't make up some of the trash we have seen spouted here today.

Browning should have got a few runs out at RB over the last few weeks rather than playing Stones out of position
I thought Hibbo did what he could and Sterling never "did" him
Browning looks good though


They just keep harping on and on and on.....:)

One bloke earlier today was blaming him for the concession of the free kick which lead to Slippy's goal.....quite how he worked that out was never sensibly explained.

Another lamented that Ballotelli should have scored from that great chance he had and if he had it would have been Hibbo's fault.

They seem genuinely disappointed he had a good game.

Seems to me there are a few blokes round here would have rather their goal came from a Hibbert o.g. so's they could kick him even harder :(
If that's one of his good games - maybe he was great v Swansea as well????? He has been a great servant fo us but he is a liability now as cover for Coleman end off - Browning looked far better! RM on Browning - see below
If that's one of his good games - maybe he was great v Swansea as well????? He has been a great servant fo us but he is a liability now as cover for Coleman end off - Browning looked far better!
Please do explain how yesterdays performance was him being a liability? The only thing he lacked was match fitness, but gave his all as always!

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