Gibson's Corners

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A small fact about Darron Gibson.
Darron has not lost a Premier League game in a match he has played for Everton, that is a total of 12 games that Everton have been unbeaten in the league with Darron Playing.
In fact Darron Gibson hasn't lost a premier league game that he has started in since the 19th December 2009 when Man Utd were beaten 3-0 at Fulham.
That is a total of 22 Premier League games that he has started in which he hasn't been on the losing side.
good, but still no hinchcliffe.

Hinchy scored a few from memory, had a spectaclar ability to swing the ball right into the near post at break neck speed - but not pinged, but on a curve so it would beat the first defender on the posts attempt to head it away.

Love Hinchy.
Interesting read about Gibson. Well worth a few minutes.

for 500 K. Bargain.

I am not the greatest proponent of a stats-based opinion, at least not when stats are taking entirely without context, but that was an intersting read and verifies pretty much what we're all thinking: selling Rodwell was good business, he wasn't good enouhg to get into our first team anyway, and given our substitute options, he wont be missed.

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